The Original Husker+ Fan
I just read the article on ESPN and came here to post about it.
That part where some of the defenders thought they played well. I guess I know what players can be riding the bench.
BENCHED Ankrah, Randle, Mitchell, and Green.
Two defensive players that need to be on the field Gregory and Baptiste.
I will throw in Cooper, Evans and Moss for the next three. I think Valentine should be in there, and I would put in Collins(he seems to play angry).
Linebackers were expected to be green. No idea which one to put in. They just need to step up and make plays. Just one of them. Which one is hungry? Who wants to be the DUDE?
Banderas, Santos, Rose, Anderson look good and look bad. Has Afalava played? Nathan Gerry has not shown me much, my biggest disappointment but he did not play LB in high school technically.
The last Dback spot, might as well put in LeRoy Alexander since Seisay, Rose, and Jackson don't seem to want to step up.
No wonder the defense blows dead frogs. The only two that want to be out there are Gregory and Baptiste. When the other team has eleven playing against two, it is pretty easy to score.
PS: SDSU benched Zach Zenner to save him for NDSU this week. Imagine a team benching a player that is sort of hurt. Nebraska should keep Taylor benched until graduation, or until the forward pass is made illegal.