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too soon for an NFL thread?

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Garage League
Apr 24, 2010
dock of the bay
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Yeah, I like it too.

Doesn't change anything, but it at least is nice to hear them admit that they aren't perfect.

Here is a perfect spot to ask this question...

If the NHL would have come out the very next day, like the NFL has done in this instance, and said that Brett Hull's goal should not have counted because his skate was in the crease, and the puck was not, but the outcome of the game would remain unchanged, would you still feel the same way?

For me, the admittance of an error after, aside from saying what we already knew, does nothing.
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Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy bacon
Apr 19, 2010
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Here is a perfect spot to ask this question...

If the NHL would have come out the very next day, like the NFL has done in this instance, and said that Brett Hull's goal should not have counted because his skate was in the crease, and the puck was not, but the outcome of the game would remain unchanged, would you still feel the same way?

For me, the admittance of an error after, aside from saying what we already knew, does nothing.

Obviously, the goal is to try to get the call right, but even with instant replay and review, we all know that still isn't always the case. However, by acknowledging that a mistake was made, you hopefully quell some of the conspiracy theories and also educate officials (both on field and off) in the hopes that if they encounter something like this in the future, the right decision will be made.

If nothing else, it does help bring some closure to the incident.


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Here is a perfect spot to ask this question...

If the NHL would have come out the very next day, like the NFL has done in this instance, and said that Brett Hull's goal should not have counted because his skate was in the crease, and the puck was not, but the outcome of the game would remain unchanged, would you still feel the same way?

For me, the admittance of an error after, aside from saying what we already knew, does nothing.

I agree. Who cares what is said after the fact, what's done is done. Unless they plan on reversing the ruling or playing it over it means nothing.


Apr 20, 2010
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I agree. Who cares what is said after the fact, what's done is done. Unless they plan on reversing the ruling or playing it over it means nothing.

I agree. Unless they're going to reverse the call there's no point.

Ed Hocholi gave the Broncos a win over the Chargers in Denver not long ago. Ed admitted he blew the call & cost the Chargers the game. He answered every single E-Mail from irate Chargers fans. He was very classy about it. However, everytime I see him Refereeing a Chargers game I know my team could be in big trouble.


Garage League
Apr 24, 2010
dock of the bay
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I agree. Who cares what is said after the fact, what's done is done. Unless they plan on reversing the ruling or playing it over it means nothing.

That is generally how I feel.

In real life events, it is nice to hear the admittance of a mistake. In sports it does nothing to make you feel better, IMO.


Harbor Center
Apr 20, 2010
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Here is a perfect spot to ask this question...

If the NHL would have come out the very next day, like the NFL has done in this instance, and said that Brett Hull's goal should not have counted because his skate was in the crease, and the puck was not, but the outcome of the game would remain unchanged, would you still feel the same way?

For me, the admittance of an error after, aside from saying what we already knew, does nothing.

It would have mattered to me. The NHL spent more time on stupid excuses why it happened even blaming the arena for allowing people on the ice as one example. Had they just come out and said. "It should not have been ruled a goal" it wouldn't have changed the outcome but at least the league would have shown some integrity.

I still would not have been happy but wouldn't have been upset at the NHL for making it look like a cover up and as dash said it would stop the conspiracy theories.


Garage League
Apr 24, 2010
dock of the bay
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It would have mattered to me. The NHL spent more time on stupid excuses why it happened even blaming the arena for allowing people on the ice as one example. Had they just come out and said. "It should not have been ruled a goal" it wouldn't have changed the outcome but at least the league would have shown some integrity.

I still would not have been happy but wouldn't have been upset at the NHL for making it look like a cover up and as dash said it would stop the conspiracy theories.

That is a good response. I appreciate hearing it, too. The part about integrity is a valid point.

However, taking this situation in the NFL as an example; how much integrity does the league really have when they are employing middle-school teachers and the rest of the 9-5 workforce, and passing them off as legit pro football officials?

The admittance of an error in this case just makes the whole thing look worse, imo. We already know they are incapable of doing the job correctly. They don't need to remind us after the fact.
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Stance: Goofy
Apr 19, 2010
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Disagree. If it was one call sure, but this was a major call in a series of botched, game altering calls. If the refs are highly noticeable in any sport it's not a good thing. I know two major league umpires, Jim Joyce and Angel Hernandez because Joyce ruined a perfect game and because Angel Hernandez historically and pretty much openly hates my team. Officials can ruin games.

I'm not saying that refs can't totally fuck up a game. But for every Packer player, fan and columnist all butt-hurt over that one wrong call there should be two coaches bitching about what was it, 8 sacks? Had the players played up to their potential, no way that ref is even in a position to fuck the game up.

To wit; Professionals.

Here is a perfect spot to ask this question...

If the NHL would have come out the very next day, like the NFL has done in this instance, and said that Brett Hull's goal should not have counted because his skate was in the crease, and the puck was not, but the outcome of the game would remain unchanged, would you still feel the same way?

For me, the admittance of an error after, aside from saying what we already knew, does nothing.

To me, it's more important to get the call right in action. All saying anything afterwards gets you is whiny people screaming about the injustice of it all for the next FIFTY years. I'm guilty of it too. Every time I hear the name Jeffrey Mayer, I want to punch something.

But deep inside, I know that that instant and that missed call did not matter in the long run. No do-overs. You win or you lose. Best you can do is suit up the next day and get right back at it.

It would have mattered to me. The NHL spent more time on stupid excuses why it happened even blaming the arena for allowing people on the ice as one example. Had they just come out and said. "It should not have been ruled a goal" it wouldn't have changed the outcome but at least the league would have shown some integrity.

I still would not have been happy but wouldn't have been upset at the NHL for making it look like a cover up and as dash said it would stop the conspiracy theories.

That's the problem with saying it, though. It won't change the outcome, but if you say it was the wrong call afterward, everyone wants to know why it CAN'T change the outcome. The league does have a certain responsibility to the fan, but a greater responsibility to the game itself. And if your guy blows a call, you don't eviscerate him in public. You fix it in private. Maybe it's because I deal with law enforcement and lawyers all day, but if one of my investigators totally screws the pooch, I don't let on in front of anyone who may wind up inside a courtroom that they blew it. I might rip him a new one behind closed doors, but anyone who could make an argument that lasts forever never hears a peep.

I used to work at a place that had a call center and they drilled into the heads of all the phone monkeys that they are to never say "I'm sorry" for ANYTHING. Because saying "sorry" admits guilt.

Like it or hate it, that's the world we live in. If we could be more mature as a whole and say "okay, you goofed, but we're moving on" then maybe. We don't work that way.


Harbor Center
Apr 20, 2010
Buffalo NY
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That's the problem with saying it said:
I was a supervisor for 28 years and I know it's not good to eviscerate someone in public (unless you have no choice). It's not one size fits all the work I did was not viewed by millions of people that witnessed the fuck up so why act like t didn't happen and it will go away? I think people are more forgiving than you give them credit for.

I was never afraid to say "I messed up". To me you acknowledge the mistake and say we will work on ways to see that this doesn't happen again and move on. I ripped a lot of people over my years but as I said it's not one size fits all. I was in manufacturing this is the NFL and people do understand that we all make mistakes. There are times when you can't hide it and do it behind closed doors.

I guess we can agree to disagree.

Edit: Shit my quote came out screwed up. I will admit I fucked it up. LOL


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Apr 20, 2010
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@sportscenter: NFL source: More than 70,000 voicemails were left at NFL offices last night.


Garage League
Apr 24, 2010
dock of the bay
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I feel no sympathy for the losers of this one. As difficult as it is already to predict NFL outcomes, I don't think I'd touch that sports book with a 20 foot pole while my junior high science teacher is moonlighting as a side judge.

Too much risk vs reward :juggle:

Also, if you bet against the home teams with the current situation you are a fool. The regular refs can tone out crowd noise for the most part, the replacement refs, not so much. They are easily swayed by the home fans.


Garage League
Apr 24, 2010
dock of the bay
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Also, if you bet against the home teams with the current situation you are a fool. The regular refs can tone out crowd noise for the most part, the replacement refs, not so much. They are easily swayed by the home fans.

That is a great point. I can only imagine the bedlam if they would have overturned that play, last nite. That very reason might have played a role in the debacle.


Scotchy Scotch Scotch!
May 9, 2010
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Justin Stangel ‏@Justin_Stangel
I'm not saying these replacement referees are bad but they just showed up for Tuesday night football.
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