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Tom Cable interviewed for 49ers' coaching job?


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Apr 21, 2013
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Can't agree with you here man.

If Cable left the team RS would be forced to give up on the 'project' players for the line. It hasn't worked. It won't work. Let basketball players go play basketball and leave defensive linemen on that side of the ball.

Name me one competent offensive tackle Cable has produced or even coached since Okung left. It's been an unmitigated disaster and it shows no sign of improving. Not at all.

Maybe. Maybe not. I imagine that when Schneider and Carroll decided to prioritize the defense financially over everything else and put the offensive line at the bottom of their list of financial priorities, they were only able to sell it to Cable by telling him he'd have more input over who was added to the offensive line than he already had. If the guy who replaces Cable has the same financial constraints that Cable had to work with, only with less input than Cable had, who is to say that the type of players we go after to play offensive line would change? I mean, I'd prefer it if, when looking at the tackle positions in the offseason, they prioritized experience at the position over toughness or an "edge", but I don't know if getting rid of Cable or letting him leave would change their organizational approach to building an offensive line. That's the risk you run when you make something a low priority compared to everything else.

Dolemite censored

Bigfoot is real
Jul 1, 2014
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Fant is an INCREDIBLE athlete. Will he ever be a football players? Jury is still out. But athletic ability isn't the reason he's failing.

You completely missed the point.

That he was never a football player should have precluded him from being a NFL starting lineman.


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Apr 21, 2013
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Speaking of Steve Hutchinson, didn't he raise the 12th man flag ? If he did that certainly wasn't the best choice, I can think of a 1,000 other people I would want doing that over Hutch...

Yep. That was him last week. I'm surprised both that they asked and that he accepted considering how they parted ways a decade ago.


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You completely missed the point.

That he was never a football player should have precluded him from being a NFL starting lineman.

Okay, but that's not what you said.


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You completely missed the point.

That he was never a football player should have precluded him from being a NFL starting lineman.
Hey man, he played football in college.......for two games. He even had 1 catch. Don't short change the guy.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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And why must we have 'project' guys as starters? I mean lots of teams take guys with some potential and put them on the practice squad and work with them. Fant shouldn't have been a starter and the fact that at the end of the year he's still not a starting caliber player is proof of that. You don't waste whole seasons on project guys and expect to win.


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Personally, I thought last year's line was far and away worse than this one - and not even close.

The funny thing is in 2013 the Seahawks had the highest paid line in the league and under Cable's tutelage, they were ranked 27th in pass protection. Maybe the players really aren't the problem.


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Apr 23, 2013
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Yep. That was him last week. I'm surprised both that they asked and that he accepted considering how they parted ways a decade ago.

Maybe patching things up. Is Hutch a future HOF? If so, maybe he'll go in as a Seahawk and this is a start to rebuilding their relationship.


Bipedal Sea Dog
Jul 23, 2013
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My stance on Cable is time for a change. Some people have said, "HE'S DONE WONDERS WITH WHAT HE HAS!" Well..... he's the one making the decisions on a lot of that stuff. Carroll/Schneider gave him full control.

I wouldn't be surprised if Cable is telling Carroll/Schneider, "Yep, I can get it done with this crew. I should be able to work with this." Carroll might be saying at this point, "GREAT, we'll spend the money elsewhere on extensions or free agency." That might be an issue with Carroll, but he's always been a hands off head coach when it comes to his coaching staff.

I think it's time for Carroll and the FO to step up a little bit and not realize Cable is the second coming of O-Line Jesus and get some serious help and explore different options.

In our Super Bowl year we had Okung (still playing decent), Unger (all pro level) and some brass up front with Giac who earned a great run grade that year. Since then it's been a constant decline. I mean jesus we had a guy who's never even PLAYED football, but instead a basketball player as the blind side protector? I know there was some injuries but REALLY!?

I'm fine seeing Cable go. I don't completely fault the O-Line on him but a good chunk of it goes his way. If Cable is being paid and the understand is "You tell us what you need, YOU control the O-Line and have the direct lines of communication to let us know the tools." and he failed to produce that, done with him. If Carroll/Schneider refused to listen to Cable... well then that's a problem in and of itself and hopefully the cold hard truth of being the WORST offensive line in the league will force them to re-evaluate their talent judgment.


Bipedal Sea Dog
Jul 23, 2013
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Yep. That was him last week. I'm surprised both that they asked and that he accepted considering how they parted ways a decade ago.

They parted on disheartening terms, not negative ones. Holmgren/Allen told him the deal would get done and not to worry and Hutch was okay with this. They were going to get Shaun done first and then focus on Hutch. Hutch's agent pushed the issue and forced Hutch to sign that stupid poison clause contract with Minnesota (which honestly I would NOT be surprised if the agent/Minny snuck that in there given the reaction). I really blame the agent on that one and Minny's sneaky tactics. The agent likely got Hutch in a bit of a panic.

This claim is supported by the fact Holmgren/Allen/Org were shocked and Hutch was in tears in a meeting with Holmgren (you can find an audio clip of Holmgren talking about this). Holmgren was very upset (not at Hutch) but how his shit agent and the Minnesota Vikings handled the ordeal.

Hutch left Seattle in a tragic way. He was never, "F U" to the org.


R.I.P. Bob Saget
Apr 28, 2013
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Fingers crossed he gets the gig.


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Apr 21, 2013
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The funny thing is in 2013 the Seahawks had the highest paid line in the league and under Cable's tutelage, they were ranked 27th in pass protection. Maybe the players really aren't the problem.

If we get all of our injured offensive players back healthy and up to speed before next season and they stay healthy all year, I think we're gonna be right back among the top 10 scoring offenses in the league regardless of what happens with the offensive line. We've been spoiled by Wilson's mobility, durability and elusiveness, having a steady presence in the backfield over the years, and by having a healthy defense whose play usually took care of the rest. We didn't have any of that this year and it exposed things about the offensive line that most people already knew.

I expect they'll address at least one tackle spot in the draft and maybe draft a fullback for some extra blocking help too, but I think that's as far as they'll go. They've done a lot of line shuffling the past two years or so and I think to do too much of that again this year would be detrimental, and that includes getting rid of Cable. If he gets picked up by another team as a head coach, so be it, but they have to pick a group of five and a blocking scheme and stick with it as much as they can or they're never gonna have a good offensive line.


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Apr 25, 2013
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Shefter says it will be shanahan, however that means waiting possibly another 3 weeks.

Also, texans fired their OC. I think that is the 3rd or 4th OC fired this year


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Apr 23, 2013
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You completely missed the point.

That he was never a football player should have precluded him from being a NFL starting lineman.
It is often that players get signed off the street, even by good teams.
You know that.


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Apr 23, 2013
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Maybe patching things up. Is Hutch a future HOF? If so, maybe he'll go in as a Seahawk and this is a start to rebuilding their relationship.
I say screw Hutch. He signed the poison pill knowing full well he would be shitting on Seattle.
ef him.


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They parted on disheartening terms, not negative ones. Holmgren/Allen told him the deal would get done and not to worry and Hutch was okay with this. They were going to get Shaun done first and then focus on Hutch. Hutch's agent pushed the issue and forced Hutch to sign that stupid poison clause contract with Minnesota (which honestly I would NOT be surprised if the agent/Minny snuck that in there given the reaction). I really blame the agent on that one and Minny's sneaky tactics. The agent likely got Hutch in a bit of a panic.

This claim is supported by the fact Holmgren/Allen/Org were shocked and Hutch was in tears in a meeting with Holmgren (you can find an audio clip of Holmgren talking about this). Holmgren was very upset (not at Hutch) but how his shit agent and the Minnesota Vikings handled the ordeal.

Hutch left Seattle in a tragic way. He was never, "F U" to the org.

Holy spin. His agent 'forced' him to sign it? Was Smith and Wesson involved in that? Hard to imagine an agent 'forcing' Futch to do something unless a gun was involved.


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Apr 22, 2013
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in the last 3 drafts they have drafted over 7 Olineman 5 of those were 1st to 4th round picks which NORMALLY become starters. They have 2 players out of those that are starting quality ( Britt/Ifedi ). They have placed some capital on the position and have failed. I find it so funny that so many of you say " well they don't give him anything to work with" "They don't spend the money". BS The Oline has had more players drafted than any other position when talking about the first 4 rounds than any other position on the team and yet we got almost nothing to show for it. There is an issue and it can't be 100% Scouting.

I believe it was last year or the year before when Carroll said Cable has the final say on Olineman when drafting. End of Story!


Bill Bergen for HoF!
Apr 17, 2013
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Holy spin. His agent 'forced' him to sign it? Was Smith and Wesson involved in that? Hard to imagine an agent 'forcing' Futch to do something unless a gun was involved.

Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't even know the clause was there when he signed. That's why these players have agents. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of the players out there don't actually read the contracts they are signing.