Why in the hell did he come on here and pretend to be in Wisconsin.........
Lol @ having almost 500 plorsts in this thread and still almost 4 hours til the game starts.
It's funny because I'm not huskers21 and I am in Wisconsin I know where I am but I am not going to try and make friends with anyone here again this place is just as bad as espn if not worst one person cries wolf and everyone else follows along to be "cool"
It's funny because I'm not huskers21 and I am in Wisconsin I know where I am but I am not going to try and make friends with anyone here again this place is just as bad as espn if not worst one person cries wolf and everyone else follows along to be "cool"
Pics or GTFO huskers21
and we are nothing like the fucking disney boardsthat place sucks more than keanu reeve's acting