Rarest Member
I forgot how much of a badass Shredder was.
lol, was it Duncan's Toy Chest like off Home Alone?
raging on black ops
I see roses n' crystal just showerin down on tOSU n' Nebraska. Showin' these SEC punks a thing er two.
You should add my friend, I think he plays that all the time. His name is URN_MARS_WORLD_7
He's black though, just incase you don't likes colored folks.
That's not nice. haha, you said colred folks, I thought they stopped saying that decades ago.
lol, I'm not racist by any means, just messin around. I probably shouldn't say that though.
I know you aren't sir, it was just funny is all. It made me laugh, so no worries.
I erasd it, hell, for all I know brasky could be black. Wouldn't that be somethin.
It's at the end of the movie with the ninja turtles and shredder on the roof. It's about to go down.![]()