I'm in such a weird state of mind now..........I'm laughing actually. God can actually kiss my ass today. It's his fault that we are dealing with this.
I'm stone cold sober and there's no fucking way I can laugh at this.
Sad part is your average fan is gonna bury their heads in the sand and talk about how the refs, ESPN, and everyone in general just has it out for Nebraska. Oh how they all hate us.
It's a pattern of poor fundamentals and focus I can't ignore anymore.
Apologies to anyone who I told to fuck off when coaching change was suggested.
And holy shit NW wins the award for scariest fucking cheerleaders I've ever seen.
Going for two when we did was a bad idea IMO. If by some divine intervention, NW only scores a FG to make it 24-16, a two point conversion will have to be attempted again by Nebraska.
Now we have to score 2 TDs because of another boneheaded decision by our inept coach to go for 2 points earlier. He not only gets outcoached, he outcoaches himself. Pathetic!