Obviously you must know what you need to do but why did you have the prob last night? Does that happen very often?
The problem was the 12+ pills I take each day mess up my stomach especially if I don't eat right. I ate at the 4th of July setup eating hamburgers and nachos the prior two days. I couldn't eat on the 4th because of that which causes your sugars to drop. Usually not this far, but they drop big and fast while I was sleeping. Last night before bed my blood sugars were 199 which is high for normal people but mine tend to be in that range. Compare that to 59 the other night and it is a world of difference. I can easily be in the 300's on a given night. Normal numbers should be between 90-110 for non diabetics. I rarely see those numbers. I think the big crash came because I walked miles the last two days for the 4th, it was hot so you get dehydrated, and the lack of eating.
Again, anyone thinking they have diabetes or pre-diabetes should take care of it ASAP. It can be a catch-22 in that exercise is the best thing for it but it also zaps your energy which makes it almost impossible to exercise.
And this concludes today's health watch.