1 more day. 2 more finals. 3 more hours. 260 more multiple choice questions. 50 more short answer questions. 3 more essays.
then i am DONE!!!
Lol @ still not being done with school for year
Well, maybe not. I initially typed "Laxy" by accident and went back and fixed it. So maybe I'm not that lazy today. In fact, I even bothered to explain that to you just now, including the use of the word "initially" instead of something simpler, like "first." In the explanation process I even made another typo, spelling "word" as "worrd," and I also went back and changed that. Hell, maybe I'm an overachiever and not a lazy-ass!
But I guess I did say "typo" instead of "typographical error," so maybe I'm just lazy after all.
Fuck. Fuck fuck fuckity fuck.
yup, we end so late its stupid. but i get 2 weeks of spring break next yearcause all the damn priests have some weird catholic conference to go to
Fucking 84 here feels like 104 I hate heat
It's 81 here in my house. Haven't been outside yet.
tis the humidity.
I wish it could be 72 every day like san diego.
Conv outlook shows a chance for some strong storms in your area today clarkson.