Holy shit........
I've never felt more satisfied than I do right now after watching that 1 minute video.........
Also, i aint never on a real computer anymore brasky
Holy shit........
I've never felt more satisfied than I do right now after watching that 1 minute video.........
Holy shit........
I've never felt more satisfied than I do right now after watching that 1 minute video.........
Holy poop Taylor threw the football like a human
ummm...Who the fuck is #3 this year?
It takes me all of 5 minutes. I just have shortcuts to every site. Good on ya workin your ass off though JJM. Proud of you lil guy.
not to piss in anyone's cheerios, but i was walking by ankrah today and he seemed smaller to WAY leaner. maybe i've just gotten used to seeing him so he doesn't seem as huge to me as he used to.