An image back in time
Taylor martinez Fucking sucks. That is all
He would look better with some blocking.
Taylor martinez Fucking sucks. That is all
Taylor martinez Fucking sucks. That is all
So you think our blocking is acceptable?
Looking at the bright side: Rex
Taylor looked fine, the play calling was vanilla on purpose, and we won by 33...
nice take oaknight - reps
heard Bo say a few mins ago we're about where he expected. A lot of work to do technique wise and assignment wise, need to get better.
thanks. i just hate to hear about how bad we did...it was not that bad. also, some of the people in the student section are fucking idiots. i heard someone compare martinez to jamal lord...
After watching the game I still feel as lost as I did before the game started. Martinez played exactly the same as last year, and about the same play calling. I liked the way we cleaned up penalties and turnovers. Our LB's could have played a lot better, David not included. I hope Dennard gets well soon.