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I can't wait for Manziel to just go away.
I can't wait for Manziel to just go away.
Media has really gone down hill. How much can we hear about Manzeiel and Clowney?
and people wonder why he acts like he does. nothing is more satisfying than seeing your haters cry.
dude aren't you a Miami fan? what are you doing drooling over Manziel?
yes im a JF homer. I wish people would read between the lines with what JF is doing. hes making people question the NCAA even more ( either side of the argument it may be).
You mean acting like an entitled, spoiled jackass?
BTW, people questioned the NCAA LONG before Manziel came along.
Its okay for the defense to talk trash to Johnny but he's not supposed to respond I see that's fair. I mean they really should put in the Johnny rule "QB's are not allowed to talk back to defensive players" 15 yard penalty.
Oh boo fucking who. You act like he is the first cocky player to every play sports. You know who else was a cocky fuck and loved to talk trash? Michael Jordan. Defenders jump up and talk trash and act like they just won the game after every tackle yet no one says shit about that, but because people don't like Manziel they bitch. If ANY other QB in the country did the exact same thing no one would give a flying fuck.
A little humility, especially given what he's just been through, would help and work WONDERS.
What I saw is a QB with an entitlement attitude, and a coach that doesn't seem to be in control of his team. No discipline from his star QB.
You young bucks wouldn't understand this.
How come he is the only QB you see doing it consistently??....hint hint
It just amazes me that a t-sip would call someone out as being entitled. Then you called out Sumlin for not having control of his team. Did Mack Brown have control of his team when the longhorns got the nick name "Book'em Horns" for numerous arrest?
Hypocrytic much?
AS FOR Manziel's disiplinediscipline, he threw a TD pass and responded to trash talk. He didn't get in to the Rice players face and was actually walking a way and turned around when the flag was throw. Was it the smartest sting to do? No, but it wasn't the capitol offense that everyone is making it out to be and it happens quite often on any given Saturday.
One morquestion. Since I'm not among the dozens of people with TLN I didn't get to see the longhorn game, but was the tu offense suspended for the 1st half too?
Oh boo fucking who. You act like he is the first cocky player to every play sports. You know who else was a cocky fuck and loved to talk trash? Michael Jordan. Defenders jump up and talk trash and act like they just won the game after every tackle yet no one says shit about that, but because people don't like Manziel they bitch. If ANY other QB in the country did the exact same thing no one would give a flying fuck.