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Today's Jones STFU thread


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Aug 19, 2013
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Stephen's inability to STFU and just keep things to himself is getting as bad as Jerry's. Even if you are thinking about it why would you address the point and bring on the negativity that comes along with it when nothing can happen right now with him anyway? The guy killed a teammate. Just say 'we have no comment on that at this time and it was a tragic situation for all', but they have to give their thoughts on every bit of minutiae that can get them in front of a microphone.

Cowboys Not Ruling Out Possible Return Of DT Josh Brent


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I think I might as well sticky this, it does seem to be a "daily" occurrence.

UK Cowboy

Happy Father's Day T-Roy
Aug 9, 2013
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Stephen's inability to STFU and just keep things to himself is getting as bad as Jerry's. Even if you are thinking about it why would you address the point and bring on the negativity that comes along with it when nothing can happen right now with him anyway? The guy killed a teammate. Just say 'we have no comment on that at this time and it was a tragic situation for all', but they have to give their thoughts on every bit of minutiae that can get them in front of a microphone.

Cowboys Not Ruling Out Possible Return Of DT Josh Brent

I saw the article about Jerry saying NO to Urlacher. Right below it, ''Cowboys not ruling out return by Brent''. FAIL:L


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Jul 22, 2013
Texas by the Grace of God
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just curious here
Do you guys think Brent should be allowed back in the NFL?
Do you think he should be allowed to work where liquor is served?
Do you think he should be allowed to work where children are involved?

research Larry Little and get back to me on what you think is allowable in this day of social media


Boomer Sooner
Jul 5, 2013
Central PA
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just curious here
Do you guys think Brent should be allowed back in the NFL?
Do you think he should be allowed to work where liquor is served?
Do you think he should be allowed to work where children are involved?

research Larry Little and get back to me on what you think is allowable in this day of social media

No problem with anything above in today's world.... But you better not comment on the gays or you'll be suspended.:L


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just curious here
Do you guys think Brent should be allowed back in the NFL? NO
Do you think he should be allowed to work where liquor is served? NO
Do you think he should be allowed to work where children are involved? NO

research Larry Little and get back to me on what you think is allowable in this day of social media

Answered above. however, I realize that the Jones run a business and the precedent for guys like Brent has been set. So if the NFL is going to let him back, and you are running a business, then you either consider taking him back or pass on him and let someone else have him. Someone will hire him in the NFL, if he is reinstated. Dallas has to at least say they are still interested in him since they still have his rights.


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Aug 19, 2013
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I actually do think that Brent should be allowed back in the NFL at some point. I also think it is asinine for our team spokesman to be giving the thought merit when there is no possible upside to it or realistic chance of it happening any time soon. If he got out of jail today he'd still be facing a suspension for the league. But, such is life with the Jones clan...


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Jul 22, 2013
Texas by the Grace of God
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I actually do think that Brent should be allowed back in the NFL at some point. I also think it is asinine for our team spokesman to be giving the thought merit when there is no possible upside to it or realistic chance of it happening any time soon. If he got out of jail today he'd still be facing a suspension for the league. But, such is life with the Jones clan...

fair enough. Do you have a problem if he resumes his career in Dallas after he serves his suspension from the league?

I have nothing for anything Jones ,and why I say IF we win again...it's in spite of all these media attention seeking whores can be.


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fair enough. Do you have a problem if he resumes his career in Dallas after he serves his suspension from the league?

I have nothing for anything Jones ,and why I say IF we win again...it's in spite of all these media attention seeking whores can be.

Tough one. I think it is a bigger issue for us because it's one of our players that was killed. That's obviously a pretty big issue. Down the road I'd probably be OK with him coming back after he served his time. My point was more what do we gain by talking about it publicly today (not us on a message board, but the team). Even if we already decided we will take him back a lot can happen between now and then. Maybe we draft enough DL to make it a strength or maybe Brent never wants to come back. So by talking about it we bring on the negative and perhaps never end up bring him here anyway. It's just the same thing over and over. Why do this team's Officials feel the need to tell everyone who else they were looking at on draft day? Leak it to a reporter anonymously if you want, but what other team comes out and says who else they were looking at all the time? Once in a while I understand. The constant desire to be part of the story was something I thought would die with Jerry and now I see it won't.


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Jul 22, 2013
Texas by the Grace of God
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Tough one. I think it is a bigger issue for us because it's one of our players that was killed. That's obviously a pretty big issue. Down the road I'd probably be OK with him coming back after he served his time. My point was more what do we gain by talking about it publicly today (not us on a message board, but the team). Even if we already decided we will take him back a lot can happen between now and then. Maybe we draft enough DL to make it a strength or maybe Brent never wants to come back. So by talking about it we bring on the negative and perhaps never end up bring him here anyway. It's just the same thing over and over. Why do this team's Officials feel the need to tell everyone who else they were looking at on draft day? Leak it to a reporter anonymously if you want, but what other team comes out and says who else they were looking at all the time? Once in a while I understand. The constant desire to be part of the story was something I thought would die with Jerry and now I see it won't.

media attention seeking whores. That is the bottom line here. stephen has had his ticket stamped and his finger in dad's belt loop almost from the start in 89. he knew from the start and played his cards accordingly. Jimmy Johnson told the story how jerry couldn't stay in the back seat. jerry mentioned he could make 10 multimillion dollar oil/gas deals and nobody would know, but one trade for a 6th rounder is headline news coast to coast.

there it is jarntt, all these years later and it still remains all about getting the Jones brand in the news. he'll say Cowboy brand, but don't you believe it. Jimmy knows and I'm sure remains the least surprised after all these years. Man has to know his limitations and we all of some. Not jerry....onward through the fog and all us long time cowboy fans remain along for the ride


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btw....I'd take Brent back for the minimum. I'd bank on him being a cub scout his remaining playing days and it wouldn't matter to me if the life was a teammate or any other person.


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Aug 14, 2013
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What do you have to do to be cut from this team? It seems the only thing that eventually gets guys out the door is when Jerry eventually over pays them and they prove to not be worth the money.

Jerry has a hard time letting go.


Troll slayer
Jun 27, 2013
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Yeah, I read that and cringed.

There are 32 owners in the NFL and 31 you never hear from unless they're being handed a trophy.

"Players play, coaches coach and owners own" - Mike Ditka.


Troll slayer
Jun 27, 2013
Ket'ha lowlands, Kronos
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What do you have to do to be cut from this team? It seems the only thing that eventually gets guys out the door is when Jerry eventually over pays them and they prove to not be worth the money.

Jerry has a hard time letting go.

Except with regard to Jimmy Johnson. Jerry made the choices that made him quit and he's never admitted if he regrets it or not.

When you stop and think about the talent Jimmy had on that team - the talent he put there - and then look at how he could coach them....I honestly believe that the Cowboys could have won 4 or 5 rings in the 90's if Jerry would have just left well enough alone.

His ego wouldn't let him.


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Except with regard to Jimmy Johnson. Jerry made the choices that made him quit and he's never admitted if he regrets it or not.

When you stop and think about the talent Jimmy had on that team - the talent he put there - and then look at how he could coach them....I honestly believe that the Cowboys could have won 4 or 5 rings in the 90's if Jerry would have just left well enough alone.

His ego wouldn't let him.

That was 20 years ago. Sadly...


Goodell is a polesmoker
Aug 3, 2013
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Stevie is just like daddy. An attn hore. These two guys are ego maniacs.

I don't think bringing brent back would be a bad idea. He could play 1 tech. Very strong guy.


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Jul 20, 2013
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Stephen's inability to STFU and just keep things to himself is getting as bad as Jerry's. Even if you are thinking about it why would you address the point and bring on the negativity that comes along with it when nothing can happen right now with him anyway? The guy killed a teammate. Just say 'we have no comment on that at this time and it was a tragic situation for all', but they have to give their thoughts on every bit of minutiae that can get them in front of a microphone.

Cowboys Not Ruling Out Possible Return Of DT Josh Brent

I agree Jarntt. He needs to just shut up.


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Jul 15, 2013
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I used to think that Stephen had a better sense of what to say and what to STFU about sadly I was wrong and like Pday say the Jones are media seeking attention Whores the whole damn lot of them :L

I long for the days of Tom Landry and Tex Schramm. Damn the day Jerry bought the Cowboys he made a pact with the Devil I swear.

I guess this is what it feels like to be a Cubs fan ?

STFU Stephen you moron.