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Time for players and coaches to start owning up


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Jul 16, 2013
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Folks say lots of things, some times you got to realize they are just flapping their lips and let it pass.

Well, folks say a lot of things and also do a lot of things, like not showing up for work when they signed a contract, which is what he did. The team obviously can't afford to go through this nonsense again. We're talking about a guy who signed a pretty generous contract and decided he didn't feel like showing up. You honestly want to go through that sort of horseshit again? You were ok with the holdout? I'm sure ownership and the FO wasn't. Are they just a bunch of dumb haters as well? At the end of the day that's a workplace. If he doesn't want to be here and will do anything to get out then so be it.


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Well, folks say a lot of things and also do a lot of things, like not showing up for work when they signed a contract, which is what he did. The team obviously can't afford to go through this nonsense again. We're talking about a guy who signed a pretty generous contract and decided he didn't feel like showing up. You honestly want to go through that sort of horseshit again? You were ok with the holdout? I'm sure ownership and the FO wasn't. Are they just a bunch of dumb haters as well? At the end of the day that's a workplace. If he doesn't want to be here and will do anything to get out then so be it.

I had my own business a couple of times. You got to take things like employees demanding more money in stride, some deserve it, some are out of their minds. Learned to not take it personal, more often then not, you tell them no can do, oh you hear threats like I'm going to walk etc, some actually do, others come back and work hard. IMO Kam is one of those that comes back and works hard. Be foolish for him to do otherwise, because I'm sure he's aware he had a bad year.


Jul 4, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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You really think he'll hold out again? :scratch: That would be foolish based on his performance this year,I don't even consider that happening. Think fans just want to punish him for what went down this year, but don't cut off your nose to spite your face. If Kam comes back and works hard he will be a real asset and the Seahawks have enough holes without manufacturing one.
He was dumb and foolish enough to hold out the first time. So why not? This has nothing to do with punishing him because let's not forget that when he came back he said he will wait for the offseason to begin battling the front office again. What if he doesnt get what he want? You think he's going to show up for camp? It's very clear that what happened last off-season affected his plays tremendously so if he show up unhappy again he might as well not show up at all


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He was dumb and foolish enough to hold out the first time. So why not? This has nothing to do with punishing him because let's not forget that when he came back he said he will wait for the offseason to begin battling the front office again. What if he doesnt get what he want? You think he's going to show up for camp? It's very clear that what happened last off-season affected his plays tremendously so if he show up unhappy again he might as well not show up at all
In Kam eyes he had leverage last year. He had been playing great thru out his contract, had a great year the year before, but most importantly ( pay attention to this please) he went out and played in the SB with a very serious injury risking his whole career for the sake of the team and felt that should be rewarded. Fans have very short memories when it comes to what the player give and risk.


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Jul 16, 2013
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In Kam eyes he had leverage last year. He had been playing great thru out his contract, had a great year the year before, but most importantly ( pay attention to this please) he went out and played in the SB with a very serious injury risking his whole career for the sake of the team and felt that should be rewarded. Fans have very short memories when it comes to what the player give and risk.

That doesn't change the point. They can't deal with another holdout. If he doesn't commit to coming in then they need to trade him and either draft or pick up a replacement in free agency. We can't just pick some guy off the street again and hope things work out for the best. The FO is going to do whatever they're going to do. If Kam says no to it then he needs to go.


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That doesn't change the point. They can't deal with another holdout. If he doesn't commit to coming in then they need to trade him and either draft or pick up a replacement in free agency. We can't just pick some guy off the street again and hope things work out for the best. The FO is going to do whatever they're going to do. If Kam says no to it then he needs to go.
:doh: He's not going to hold out!


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Jul 16, 2013
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:doh: He's not going to hold out!

And how the hell do you know that? He said that he'd worry about it in the off-season. Well the off-season has started. I'm telling you if that the Seahawks can't get assurances that he's going to show up then he's going to be gone, probably on draft day.


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And how the hell do you know that? He said that he'd worry about it in the off-season. Well the off-season has started. I'm telling you if that the Seahawks can't get assurances that he's going to show up then he's going to be gone, probably on draft day.
If he holds out I'm right with you, but not going to happen.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
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And how the hell do you know that? He said that he'd worry about it in the off-season. Well the off-season has started. I'm telling you if that the Seahawks can't get assurances that he's going to show up then he's going to be gone, probably on draft day.

Kam played average at best. He had some very good moments and he had some bone head plays. He didn't live up to his contract so I doubt he'll hold out. I think he realizes he needs to get his ass in gear this off season and come back ready to go and become the All Pro we know. If he holds out again, then part ways.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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Kam is not going to hold out next year.

Its not even a concern.


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Aug 18, 2014
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Kam is not going to hold out. One of the following is going to happen.

1. Kam is going to accept his contract and play it out.
2. The Seahawks will renegegotiate his contract.
3. He will be off the team via trade or being cut.

A hold out is simply not an option this go round.


Jul 20, 2013
Charlotte NC
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Kam did a few nice things...knocked the ball loose in the Lions game at the goal line. Richard did that year before vs Rams. Kam forced a fumble to win the game basically against the Vikes. Too many good things about the D to really not give up on just because they ran into an unexpected buzz saw yesterday. Carolina has it all and Seattle came out flat without an edge. By the 2nd half they did find an edge but had a bit too much to fight back against. Home advantage is so key to making the SB. I'd say OL is by far the biggest need next up.

Anointed One

Gone Country!
Aug 29, 2014
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The only person I see holding out, if we have someone doing so, is Michael Bennett... He hinted at it last year and had another great season... I hope not but he's the only guy I can see doing so...


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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The only person I see holding out, if we have someone doing so, is Michael Bennett... He hinted at it last year and had another great season... I hope not but he's the only guy I can see doing so...

What about Baldwin?


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2013
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Kam played average at best. He had some very good moments and he had some bone head plays. He didn't live up to his contract so I doubt he'll hold out. I think he realizes he needs to get his ass in gear this off season and come back ready to go and become the All Pro we know. If he holds out again, then part ways.

We have contracts to sign and a draft to think about. If we need a SS then we better know he's going to show up before camp instead of trying to throw together a replacement. That's just my thought on it. And based on his posturing through the whole thing I doubt much has changed. If he thinks that just getting released is in his best interest then he'll hold out. He could hold out, get released, sign another front heavy deal, and get paid on a signing bonus. Then maybe pull the stunt again in 3 years. I don't mind a guy maximizing his earnings in such a violent sport but it's all business to him at this point.


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Sep 1, 2011
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We have contracts to sign and a draft to think about. If we need a SS then we better know he's going to show up before camp instead of trying to throw together a replacement. That's just my thought on it. And based on his posturing through the whole thing I doubt much has changed. If he thinks that just getting released is in his best interest then he'll hold out. He could hold out, get released, sign another front heavy deal, and get paid on a signing bonus. Then maybe pull the stunt again in 3 years. I don't mind a guy maximizing his earnings in such a violent sport but it's all business to him at this point.

Now why would another team give him a front heavy deal if Kam did that? You must feel people are stupid. Players don't hold out after a bad year for obvious reasons.


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2013
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Now why would another team give him a front heavy deal if Kam did that? You must feel people are stupid. Players don't hold out after a bad year for obvious reasons.

Because their cap situation is different. The FO is going to do whatever it's going to do and I'm cool with it. But they need to come to terms or just part ways before the draft so the team knows what they're looking at.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2014
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Husk has started at his conclusion (Kam is a bad guy, and will hold out) and is reasoning backwards.