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The Colin Campbell "How to suspend a player" Tool..
Briere is been a repeat offender, but it is not like he is some dirty player like Avery,
Avery wasn't even suspended earlier this year. When quite a few of us thought he should have been. Colin has his own rules for suspensions. I believe it helped Avery's cause being a Ranger.
There's a big difference between a gesture & using your stick as a weapon. For Wisniewski to get 2 games while Briere only getting 3 is a joke.
I disagree. Wisniewski got two games for a gesture. Briere was a repeat offender. He should have been given at least 5 games. This was a typical Colin Campbell decision. If Briere hadn't been a repeat offender he probably would have only paid a fine.
if he was unprovoked and the game wasn't following the trend that it was.. i might agree w/ 5.. but its a physical sport and that was a physical game.. nielson just skating right into him pre-faceoff probably played into CC's decisions.. the linesman should've stepped in before the puck was even dropped
Wisniewski should have only received a fine. It's not worth it to try to justify suspensions relative to each other because half of them don't make any sense. If Briere's attack wasn't particularly vicious, and the only reason he's suspended at all is because he went for the head. He used his stick as a weapon, sure, but it wasn't "attempting to remove a person's head from his body" type of weapon wielding. More like "give him a nice shiner" wielding. I'd say upwards of 10 - 20 if he got his hands together and took a full swing, but he didn't do that, and might have even just been trying to throw a punch, but not being the punch-throwing type, forgot to take his hand off the stick.
Wisniewski's suspension was ridiculous but that's how Colin Campbell rolls. I wonder how many games Nielson would have gotten if it had been the other way around. I think it would be more than 3 & Frans isn't a repeat offender.
with all due respect.. i dont see how you can rationalize that statement.. if anything, the flyers get the wrong end of suspensions..everyone knows it.. i'm not complaining about it, its part of the flyers.. they are physical, and at times dirty, being more critical of flyers' players has some merit to it.. thow in the repeat offender status.. if you could provide an explanation as to why you would think that id be curious to read it
It's quite simple. I know many people don't believe there is a bias when it comes to Colin Campbell but I do. The man simply HATES the Islanders.
oh i believe there's a bias.. i just dont know if he'd be more likely to suspend an isle than a flyer.. flyers players are the easiest in the league to suspend.. 1. because everyone already assumes anything the flyers do is dirty.. 2. philly fans wont go ape-shit over a suspension because it means the flyers were being physical, and i'd like to think most of us realize when suspensions are warranted (like this one).. 3. its the team everyone loves to hate.. and 4. there are no superstars on the flyers
The only part of your comment I disagree with you on is your last one. Pronger is a Hall of Famer. He is a superstar. I think Pronger & Lidstrom are the best defensemen in the entire league. Richards may not be a superstar but I bet if you asked oposing GM's they'd give up a TON to have him on their team.
<--------- flyer-fan that hates pronger
and i guess i'll rephrase that.. they don't have a young superstar being marketed by the nhl.. no OV's, crosby's, stamkos', kane's, toews'.. etc.
i dont really think richards is in that group, because he's not real flashy and he doesn't put up ridiculous numbers.. and he hasn't won a cup
The Player I compare Richards too is Datsyuk. He may not be flashy but Richards is a complete player & a GREAT penalty killer.