Well-Known Member
Verizon bitches.
4 lines $35 each.
4 lines $35 each.
Yeah , i got a great camera and did not need it all .. I was trying to upgrade when I didnt need to...I have Cannon 24 megapixel...The service with Verizon is so much better without the robocallers and spammers as wellStop paying double the price for Samsung and just get a Pixel.
Yeah , i got a great camera and did not need it all .. I was trying to upgrade when I didnt need to...I have Cannon 24 megapixel...The service with Verizon is so much better without the robocallers and spammers as well
I Use my my phone in the nature of my business every day and spend no less then 20 hours a week using its many functions and no more about it than any dumbass twins fan
Sounds like your Vagina is getting serviced great by Sprintlol..... sorry you got sand kicking in your cvgina, Karen...
I figured out the phone, but the Bixby systemis defective.I learned how to deal with it, but unlike your dumb ass, i expect top service for top dollar and if I dont, I move on and give thema bad name, and by the way if you work exclusively for one contractor anf get hurt, you will be entitled to workers comp benefits... be my guest in keeping Sprint in business. . Their inferior service is quite good enough for many peopleHey! So do I! I'm self-employed/1099 contracted and ALWAYS tethered to the company I represent...
Who's the dumbass that can't figure out their phone?
VERIZON Rocks with that protection man, I was quite surprised, but chaning your phone number does help a lot
by the way if you work exclusively for one contractor anf get hurt, you will be entitled to workers comp benefits.
wanna try and take a stab at something else?
Been with them for the better part of several decades - almost from the beginning of Cell phones, but last year, needed a new phone - they talked me into a Galaxy S10 which turns out that the Samsung Galaxy S10 is a piece of shit, but more about that. I bought for the picture capability for when I am on trips. They convinced me of getting a tablet and I ended up with a phone bill that went from 110 to 230 a month which I was not happy about - then this $1000 piece of shit quit working because Sprint made an error and caused it to quit working - after three weeks, they agreed to replace it and I had to wait another week.
In the mean time, had to have another phone and went with Verizon even though It added insult to injury
Verizon has better coverage - better data use which covers and works better with a hot spot for the same price. So with the work being up, I paid off the phone and the tablet and cancelled them off - I offered them a deal - give me the phone with the cheapest service possible and I would keep it as a back up - the best they had to offer was 40 a month before the secret charges and taxes which would be about half of the 110 I would have owed after paying off the phone - So I was told Sprint to go suck an egg - I was gone.
I now after paying off the car - have $800 a month more in my pocket and am quite happy
The galaxy Samsung by the way has a glich in it caused by the Bixby interactive program which interrupts what you're doing to offer the interactive service - and that's even after you have disabled the fucking app. I checked reviews and most people with this phone is very unhappy - so My advice is don't buy it.
For the record - if you speak to languages as I do speak both Spanish and English, then you know there are certain letters in the Spanish alphabet - those are available on both phones with the exception of the upside down question mark used for questions in the Spanish - One would think that for the price of this phone that is doubled the price of my Motorola - it would walk on water - but It's not any better than the lower price phones - I do admit that the picture capability is second to none in relation to a good phone, but for the $500 difference - a quality camera is far better.
So if you happen to be a Sprint employee - tell them and their executives that I said this to all of them
read my lips carefully because I don't want to have to repeat how I feel about them
Wow that was out of pocketBixby is a total piece of shit
I think most of you failed to comprehend that my complaint was more about Sprint Service than it was the phone. I use my phone extensively expected better than the typical $300 product.I have the galaxy note 10+, no problem at all with it.
And I am a premium auditor in the State of California. In a shitty state like yours that may work, but not here....OMFG!!! Once again... you'd be wrong.
I am in the insurance business. I write commercial policies, including WC (though I hate dealing with it, because commisions are terrible).
If you knew what you were talking about regarding contractors, you would know that depending on the field, I'd either have to qualify as eligible under a 9 factor, or 5 factor test.
I am separated by many arm lengths.
Since I don't carry WC on myself due to it not being required (and even if I did, I would exclude myself), I have a very healthy Disability Income policy instead.
wanna try and take a stab at something else?
I think most of you failed to comprehend that my complaint was more about Sprint Service than it was the phone. I use my phone extensively expected better than the typical $300 product.
The problem I had is the phone interupts the camera act over and over with a request to set up Bixby even when Bixby has been disabled. Yes, I figured out how to de with it, but for the price I should'nt have had too and my complaint has been A common one among many users.
Im not blaming the coverage issues on the Phone...Samsung cant help it because Sprint is a shitty phone carrier, but the defect in the phone compounded the issues....
I have been quite happy with Verizon....And I will keep the Samsung for reserve
Exactly... I will even say my experience with the phone would have been far better with Verizon....Even though the Interactive Bixby Voice System is an annoying and defective feature...In fact there are most likely many people that swears by it and likes bad, forgot you initially mentioned the service provider. yep, verizon rocks. been a verizon customer since 2004, and i really have no intention of leaving them anytime soon.