Village Plumber
Consider it circumcised
After a yankees losing streak i am sure
Like today?
After a yankees losing streak i am sure
i think I will just continue not to give a shit but thanks for the mission statement
All right, here's the deal guy. When I think about "authority" I think of law enforcement, judges, things like that. I would say god, but that shit is a bit overrated. I dont think of imaginary men as "authority".
You're an administrator of a board that's on someone else's hard working dollar. Your job is to moderate, not instigate, which is exactly what your doing. If you want to talk smack about the "blowsox", thats one thing. But you're teaching a pig to sing with all this, "watch me ban you" bull shit. If you noticed, we normally stick to one thread because we happen to tolerate each other regardless of sports and we built relationships over the past 5-6 years. These guys are fucking awesome.
No one really has a problem with authority. The problem is when the authority like figures like their throw their weight around for no reason. We get it, you carry an imaginary badge. We play by the rules, but dont think for a second your authority won't be challenged.
You cool with that?
All right, here's the deal guy. When I think about "authority" I think of law enforcement, judges, things like that. I would say god, but that shit is a bit overrated. I dont think of imaginary men as "authority".
You're an administrator of a board that's on someone else's hard working dollar. Your job is to moderate, not instigate, which is exactly what your doing. If you want to talk smack about the "blowsox", thats one thing. But you're teaching a pig to sing with all this, "watch me ban you" bull shit. If you noticed, we normally stick to one thread because we happen to tolerate each other regardless of sports and we built relationships over the past 5-6 years. These guys are fucking awesome.
No one really has a problem with authority. The problem is when the authority like figures like their throw their weight around for no reason. We get it, you carry an imaginary badge. We play by the rules, but dont think for a second your authority won't be challenged.
You cool with that?
Like today?
Pretty much as long as you don't put the AdSense at risk, then you are good to go. Why others can't figure this out, I don't know.
All right, here's the deal guy. When I think about "authority" I think of law enforcement, judges, things like that. I would say god, but that shit is a bit overrated. I dont think of imaginary men as "authority".
You're an administrator of a board that's on someone else's hard working dollar. Your job is to moderate, not instigate, which is exactly what your doing. If you want to talk smack about the "blowsox", thats one thing. But you're teaching a pig to sing with all this, "watch me ban you" bull shit. If you noticed, we normally stick to one thread because we happen to tolerate each other regardless of sports and we built relationships over the past 5-6 years. These guys are fucking awesome.
No one really has a problem with authority. The problem is when the authority like figures like their throw their weight around for no reason. We get it, you carry an imaginary badge. We play by the rules, but dont think for a second your authority won't be challenged.
You cool with that?
Pretty much as long as you don't put the AdSense at risk, then you are good to go. Why others can't figure this out, I don't know.
this jeffro guy needs to step back from the interwebs for a bit
hes developing an admin god complex
i bet he tries to ban people on the street
The thing is that I did not come here to throw my authority around. Check out my very first post on pg 1. I came to talk trash since the Orioles beat the blosox yesterday. I was called out twice because no one thought I was a real admin.
Says the guy that almost got Sake and I fired the other day!
Which is fine. Believe me I get that, and don't want to be a cause of anybody losing money.
Jeffro just went at me like a dick about it, without knowing anything, and I had only made 1 post today.
I expect an apology....
And a Whitman's sampler...
And a blow job.
hey shitbag
you keep changing the rules arbitrarily as to what "threatens adsense"
why cant zig post his website link?
"having pictures of mila and elisha hurt our ad sense..........but joking about r*pe in signatures is A-OKAY in our book!!!!!" ---- Jeffro
if i was jeffro, i'd be butt hurt that my name wasn't in bold green on the main page, very honorable thing to have, ala playing for the yankees, and he doesn't have it
"having pictures of mila and elisha hurt our ad sense..........but joking about r*pe in signatures is A-OKAY in our book!!!!!" ---- Jeffro