Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Think of it as a for fun pick then. It doesn't have to be an official bowl pick for points. It is a regular season game, but it's 'murica man! Have some pride.
Wasn't planning on doing points with it. Hell, never figured out what Mamba wanted done with the CCG picks he had (that's why I didn't put a pick in) as we already crowned the regular season pick'em champ and it too wasn't a bowl game. Those picks are out there in limbo somewhere.
Wasn't planning on doing points with it. Hell, never figured out what Mamba wanted done with the CCG picks he had (that's why I didn't put a pick in) as we already crowned the regular season pick'em champ and it too wasn't a bowl game. Those picks are out there in limbo somewhere.