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The Officially Official Off Season Thread (2016)

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Rebuild done....It all starts with pitching
Jun 26, 2015
Hoopla Cash
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Long podcast but pretty good. Spoke of Gallo skipping AFL, Profar talk, QO re Gallardo etc


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Just the look on the Blue Jays' faces made the Royals' win even that much sweeter. Maybe Bautista will go smash his head through a wall in an angry roid rage fit.

Speaking of Bautista, how hilarious would it be if the Rangers beaned him every single at-bat next season? And I do mean every last at-bat... as in 4 times per game, every game they face him. It would be worth the ejections, suspensions, fines, etc. just to see him get messed up that badly.


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Jul 2, 2013
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Great bottom of 8th and top of 9th. Very exciting to watch. Can't believe Davis got out of a 2nd and 3rd 0 outs situation. And Donaldson making the last out was icing on the cake.


Rebuild done....It all starts with pitching
Jun 26, 2015
Hoopla Cash
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Really good baseball. Tough strike call on Revere. For me though, I need no revenge on Jays. Bucket list is Ranger WCS. Mets pitching was my initial pick though anyways


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I wonder if when we work that creative trade that Thad Levine was talking about if we could get a quality relief pitcher back as part of the package.

i've heard us mentioned in a trade with Tampa for Jake McGee LHRP


2023 World Series Champions
Jan 12, 2015
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Speaking of Bautista, how hilarious would it be if the Rangers beaned him every single at-bat next season? And I do mean every last at-bat... as in 4 times per game, every game they face him. It would be worth the ejections, suspensions, fines, etc. just to see him get messed up that badly.

Nah, the Rangers come off looking like dickbags in that situation. Would prefer a positive steroid test and a 50 game suspension.
Jul 8, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Throwing at players on purpose is so stupid and childish. It would only make the Rangers look bad. I'd prefer they get him out with a strikeout every time. I love watching him take the walk of shame back to the dugout all pissed off.

I don't give a shit about the bat flip either. Don't want him to bat flip? Get him out! If the Rangers won in the same way, Ranger fans would be loving the bat flip. The unwritten codes of conduct in baseball are beyond stupid. The players need to get over themselves. These guys get paid millions of dollars to play a KID'S GAME. Its supposed to be fun. Some people don't even think a player should even be allowed to look at a home run that he just hit. Seriously? Who the fuck cares! Again, if you don't like the way he behaves, get him out! If I could hit a little ball over 400 feet, you're goddamn right I'm going to watch it. People are so uptight these days. Its a game--sports entertainment. They are paid to put on a show. How come no one gets pissed when a pitcher gets excited for striking a guy out? Its the same thing. Pitchers are allowed to get as excited and pumped up as they want.

Yeah, I don't like Bautista either. But its not because of his bat flipping. Its because he is good at hitting baseballs and he's not on the team I root for.


Be Patient and Finish Right #TakeBackTX
Jul 31, 2014
Fort Worth
Hoopla Cash
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Throwing at players on purpose is so stupid and childish. It would only make the Rangers look bad. I'd prefer they get him out with a strikeout every time. I love watching him take the walk of shame back to the dugout all pissed off.

I don't give a shit about the bat flip either. Don't want him to bat flip? Get him out! If the Rangers won in the same way, Ranger fans would be loving the bat flip. The unwritten codes of conduct in baseball are beyond stupid. The players need to get over themselves. These guys get paid millions of dollars to play a KID'S GAME. Its supposed to be fun. Some people don't even think a player should even be allowed to look at a home run that he just hit. Seriously? Who the fuck cares! Again, if you don't like the way he behaves, get him out! If I could hit a little ball over 400 feet, you're goddamn right I'm going to watch it. People are so uptight these days. Its a game--sports entertainment. They are paid to put on a show. How come no one gets pissed when a pitcher gets excited for striking a guy out? Its the same thing. Pitchers are allowed to get as excited and pumped up as they want.

Yeah, I don't like Bautista either. But its not because of his bat flipping. Its because he is good at hitting baseballs and he's not on the team I root for.
I don't agree at all. It is too simplistic to just say "get him out". Just because someone is successful against you that doesn't mean you have no right to be upset at their actions they take after their success.

I wouldn't want one of our players to act like that either.

He will be thrown at and as long as it isn't at his head then I have nothing wrong with it. Even if it happens on multiple occasions I won't find fault with it.

I also wouldn't mind less unwritten rules, but his actions showed a complete lack of respect. There is a difference between enjoying your accomplishments and taunting the other team. Carlton Fisk enjoyed his famous HR in 1975. Bautista was merely taunting the Rangers because he was foolishly upset at them due to his bone-headed catcher being careless with a toss back to the pitcher. He should have thrown his bat at Russell Martin.
Jul 8, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Of course you have every right to be upset if someone has success off of you. But, in my opinion, it doesn't allow you to intentionally inflict bodily harm on someone. You can't predict what will happen if you throw at someone. What if he tries to get out of the way awkwardly, and he gets injured? Its simply not productive. He bat flips and you try to hurt the guy? How is that even remotely justifiable? If Bautista hit the home run, then threw his bat directly at Dyson and hit him, then you'd have a case. Otherwise, it is ridiculous.

Beat them through competition. Get him out and then celebrate it. I don't care. To me, that's fair.


Rebuild done....It all starts with pitching
Jun 26, 2015
Hoopla Cash
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Of course you have every right to be upset if someone has success off of you. But, in my opinion, it doesn't allow you to intentionally inflict bodily harm on someone. You can't predict what will happen if you throw at someone. What if he tries to get out of the way awkwardly, and he gets injured? Its simply not productive. He bat flips and you try to hurt the guy? How is that even remotely justifiable? If Bautista hit the home run, then threw his bat directly at Dyson and hit him, then you'd have a case. Otherwise, it is ridiculous.

Beat them through competition. Get him out and then celebrate it. I don't care. To me, that's fair.

Really think throwing a basebal 90+ MPH with intent to hit and harm another player is wrong. However, throwing in on players to protect the plate is necessary. Also, despite what some think NL ball is a deterrent to pitchers nailing batters as the pitcher has to get up and answer for himself when he bats.

Re Bautista. I always have wanted him as a player but yes he does not come across as one you want your daughter to come home. I think he taunted but throwing at him is not the best solution. I have no problem with us running up the score against jays even bunting with a huge lead. This is not junior night where we have to protect fragile egos of kids. You can step on their necks in a civil non literal way to let them know when we come back that we run the show. You don't have to throw and hit guys and then put them on base. Counterproductive


Be Patient and Finish Right #TakeBackTX
Jul 31, 2014
Fort Worth
Hoopla Cash
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Of course you have every right to be upset if someone has success off of you. But, in my opinion, it doesn't allow you to intentionally inflict bodily harm on someone. You can't predict what will happen if you throw at someone. What if he tries to get out of the way awkwardly, and he gets injured? Its simply not productive. He bat flips and you try to hurt the guy? How is that even remotely justifiable? If Bautista hit the home run, then threw his bat directly at Dyson and hit him, then you'd have a case. Otherwise, it is ridiculous.

Beat them through competition. Get him out and then celebrate it. I don't care. To me, that's fair.
I don't think you have the right to be upset when someone has success against you. I can't stand it when a guy gets thrown at just because he has hit a HR or 2 against a pitcher. The success and the bat flip are two separate occurrences to me.

Hit the guy in the hip or the thigh. That won't maim him.

I am all for beating him through competition, but don't celebrate getting him out.

The pay back is for what he did apart from competition.


Be Patient and Finish Right #TakeBackTX
Jul 31, 2014
Fort Worth
Hoopla Cash
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Profar was 2 for 3 today with 3 walks.

He is younger than 29 of the 38 players on his team.
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