Padded cells optional
lol....maybe that didn't come out right??!!![]()
Damn Speakin of rain storm movin in quick.....
Gotta go check on the critters
yo steel
Howdy Ghost, how are you today, just got done with dinner here.
you are eastern time zone right?????....a little early isn't it,,,,,,
me and old zip are good
Early, nah I like eating between 5:30 / 6:30. That's good, did you get any rain today?
not a drop I don't think it will ever rain here again,,,,,,,,,
shit I got my time zones backwards you are later than me I was thinking you were earlier
You're an 1 hr behind me, right?
yeah,,,I am an hour earlier,,,I never could keep it straight
So what are you going to have GG for dinner, chicken?? lol