Pardon my ignorance, why are the auctioning the WS trophy?
it's no longer owned by the team and either the current owner needs the money or they are tired of it
Boston I think
Gonna go corral the kitties ~ good night GGsweet dreams
This is for the moron lurking on the Steeler boards cause he is all butt hurt!!!
Yea there were several times you thought it cute to argue with me, why I have no idea...cause as you put it pictures I posted were to reveling...and you had the nerve to send me a warning a while back calling me a dick!!! Now you think I'm am trying to fit in and you neg me....Whatever johnny jockstrap!!!! Maybe if you didn't have your face up on the screen thinking it was scratch and sniff.....funny how your pals always posted pics that showed damn near everything but that was OK huh??? You dont like what I got to say dont read it....keep your name off my profile page you pom pass ass moron!!!!