Well Liked Member
you do know how the ratings work right? only the top 25 count toward the ranking... over signing does nothing...
like i said.. admit you are wrong.. they are not outside the top 10 and around 15 like you said they would be... just say it.. you were wrong.
You oversigned.
And btw, your top5 class isn't final. The #14 recruit has not committed yet and if he picks Georgia(he's from Georgia) then Michigan will fall to #6 in the 247 composite.
So you better hope he chooses Alabama or Notre Dame if you want to maintain a "top5" class. I put "top5" because your average recruit ranking is not even top10.
When it comes to separating the top 10 classes, you are really splitting hairs. At that point it really comes down to needs and fit. As such a school could be taking a "lower ranked" recruit who better fits a position need and/or is a better systemic fit.
As for oversigning, sure, Michigan did 3. Given the wibbly-wobbly nature of recruiting, it behooves a school to hedge against a last minute flip. So this leads to a risk of small number of oversignatures. As long as the school is up front with the kids and that number is minimized, I don't have a problem with it, from any school. However.......Alabama has a history of large numbers of oversigned recruits, stretching what should be considered an honest hedge against flips.