not sure about the 3rd part i know i have seen 1 and 2
have you tried taking some lemonade to the lake and throwing it at them?
Oh wow just google searched it the first 3 video thumbnails that came up were pretty cool lookingoh.. and @NU_FTW if your kids like to watch dominoes fall.
check out Hevesh5 on youtube. she does some cool shit.
Oh wow just google searched it the first 3 video thumbnails that came up were pretty cool looking
Wouldnt surprise me. The way people watch youtube videos these days. Some people that is all they watch for entertainment, no tv no OTA no netflix just youtube.... pretty crazy.i think she quit school and became a millionaire doing
Wouldnt surprise me. The way people watch youtube videos these days. Some people that is all they watch for entertainment, no tv no OTA no netflix just youtube.... pretty crazy.
I cut my kids off of youtube, i didnt like how they would behave while watching it, like they were addicted to videos and being how every tv in their rooms has youtube available they were just going non stop stampy was fine but then they moved on to some more grown up minecraft streamers and on to other stuff. The filtering isnt 100% perfect yet even with kiddie settings on itmy kids also love the Greatest Showman.
so those youtube videos are on high rotation.
my 4 year old has memorized a million dreams
my kids also love the Greatest Showman.
so those youtube videos are on high rotation.
my 4 year old has memorized a million dreams
I have metal plates in my headAnd your cement room has WiFi apparently
walking in circles will get you nowhere ---sirI live in the corner of my spherical room.
nocustom add-on to keep the aliens from probing ya?