Steelerin MS
damn you folks sure like to rip on a guy when he's not even around to defend himself, lol
Just the way I roll.
damn you folks sure like to rip on a guy when he's not even around to defend himself, lol
twins win
i've got some black leather chucks
my union already has had the company that I work for open up their books .. so yes it can be done ... so I know that to be true .. and I wont get fired .. as a matter of fact our last contract we had the company open up the books .. so there
wyo ,,,what did he do
Wyo was talking about Chuck Taylors (Converse) and making fun of me talking about PF Flyers, it was all good. LOL
had it been my comany you boys would still be sitting at the house,,,I don't cave to no one
he would have a ball with me,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I buy whatever is cheap
i doubt it
but I wouldn't let a union in in the first place,,,,they have a tendency to screw things up,,,,more money,more money,more money,,,,,drives the cost up and in the long run that is what is wrong with this country,,,,look at Detroit,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,the auto industry is in trouble,our jobs are leaving and going overseas,,,,,,,,,,,,,,yeah I love unions,we don't have to worry about an invasion,we are destroying ourselfs from within