Go Lil E #88
Good morning Gents! As for Hines, his attorney is gonna cost a lot more than a damn limo or cab would've...
Mornin aggs.
You've changed your dress....
wonderful i can see the trolls on fox about hines lol
Yeah... its too hot for long sleeves
it will be alot better on monday aggs say a prayer for a new change in j.o.b lol
it will be alot better on monday aggs say a prayer for a new change in j.o.b lol
Mornin, Sport. Hope it works out for you.
And screw those assholes on fux. BTW, I thought you didn't go there anymore.
looking to move on cali,they screwed me yet again at this place..better pay is awaiting plus no limits what this other company can of my accounts wants me to work for him and on monday we talk $$$$$ lol.......
they are gonna blow this up everywhere... News, Facebook, etc... and all the trolls are gonna have a damn field-day...
Great to hear.
Best of luck to you.
Don't be lettin the man keep you