Go Lil E #88
Yes, I chatted away a big chunk of yesterday on here...the hottest part, which wasn't such a bad thing. And it's not like I'm accountable to anyone for my time, except for my four-legged housemates. What about a family there in Tally? I don't recall you mentioning one, though I seem to recall that you have a sister with kids back in KW.
I know, I know...I'm being nosy. Comes from the kind of work I do (besides writing).
I got Hubs and Rusty (my furry boy) here, Mom and Papa in TN, Dad and Jane in NC, the mini-pants family (Baby-sis/2 neices) in KW, Pscyho-bitch from Hell (older sis) lives near mom in TN and Raven-lovin brother (yuck!) in Satsuma FL (about 3 hours from here), and my step-bros are in Maine and CO.... and that's the fam damily

Things may change next year. My youngest niece graduates KWHS and wants to go to FSU, so I'm trying to convince Baby-sis to move up here.