Howdy Aggie ~ how you doing this evening?
Having one of those days, Rie. I guess it's that damn Monday curse.
Howdy Aggie ~ how you doing this evening?
Couldn't get my freakin mower started today and I am PISSED
Couldn't get my freakin mower started today and I am PISSED
sorry bout that Aggie ~ you need a yardman that looks this good with his shirt off....
Having one of those days, Rie. I guess it's that damn Monday curse.
Yes it's a push mower JR
Will you look into it, or have someone check it out?
I'll ask the guy next door tomorrow. He usually takes care of stuff that I can't figure out for me. It just doesn't seem to want to completely catch.
BRB ~ gonna get a Viking cheerleader for JR... it's only fair since I posted a halfnaked pic of Troy...
I'm not messing with it anymore myself cause I'll just get more pissed off and flood it. I guess I'm not a very patient person.
Ted Nugent in 24 hours!!!!!!!!
gonna be a BIG TIME tomorrow night!
Well, if it floods out it's probably spark plug or air filter.