ESPN Cast Off
Nope. Not even a grilled cheese, apparently.I don't think I ever said Haskins would fail but like several others here I saw early signs in him that indicated he was not ready for the bright lights on the big stage of the NFL. Several teams who drafted before us needed a QB just as much as we did and I wonder to this day why he stayed on the board until we took the bait with the 15th pick. What did these teams know that we didn't know? The simple answer is probably they didn't have a guy named Snyder making their picks, I don't know. While Haskins was playing I cheered just as hard for him as I cheer for all of our players because I've always been a team guy and this is a team sport. It just wasn't meant to be for us.
By the way, you mentioned in one of your posts recently that you thought we might be able to trade Haskins for a bologna sandwich. Do you still believe that?