Resident Rehabilitator
I think a few of the liberals need to see this one
Don't show 1217, he'll shit a brick
I think a few of the liberals need to see this one
Don't show 1217, he'll shit a brick
So would LOC and GoldenSpur.
So would LOC and GoldenSpur.
I've been trying to call out LoC all week on his hypocrisy, but he's been avoiding me like a pansy.
I've been trying to call out LoC all week on his hypocrisy, but he's been avoiding me like a pansy.
Juice has really ruined him; he used to be capable of thoughtful discussions, but now it's cloaca stain/licker this, ruined cognitive dissonant that
Time to whore it up before psych gets back
Time to whore it up before psych gets back