Ooooh URN!
Boss is so old, when he reads the Bible he reminisces.
Boss is so old, his social security number is 1.
Boss is so old, he went to an antique museum and three people bid on him.
Boss is so old, when God said "let there be light" he hit the switch.
Ahhh, forget it.
Orville or Wilbur?
Boss use to babysit both.
jealous you damn horses didn't invent the space shuttle first --as that it huh
We were there man, we were there.
I guess this is true -- there were some horses involved in the kaffeeklatsch
someone's got opposable thumb pianist envy
Never get into an envy argument with a horse.
someone's got opposable thumb penist envy
This thread has, consecutively:
HR Puffinstuff
Bad Brains
Henry Rollins
And a kitty with a machine gun.
I love this place.