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The difference between the "bandwagon fan" and the "player fan"


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Apr 17, 2013
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For the record other players I STILL follow and like:

Sebastian Telfair (even in china), Jon Leuer (former badger), Ben Gordon and Tyrus Thomas. There just isn't a whole lot to talk about with any of them...


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He already has.


:lol: Does that stupid facial expression ever change?


Nov 11, 2013
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This is fine, but I think what draws criticism is that you choose to follow the best player in the game around. It doesn't take much to follow the best of the best around. But it does take a true fan to continuously follow a team like the Browns around and suffer through losing season after losing season. I don't know that I have too much of an allegiance to any NBA team, but I did find myself tuning in for Memphis Griz. games because they have two former OSU players on the roster and doing well... the other big draw is that they are still a small market team. I usually always root against organizations that have a ton of money and use it to draw away talent from smaller clubs.

I did mention that before LeBron I followed Steve Kerr and Mike Bibby, right? I think that makes it clear that I'm not just going for whoever I think is gonna win.

While his vast potential was widely accepted when LeBron first came into the legaue... he was far from the best of the best. Its only been in the last few years that he's seen as the best in the game right now... a decade after I'd become a LeBron fan.

What made me a fan back then was LeBron's play making ability. Its rare to see someone that athletic that values the pass over the shot, the right basketball play over the flash. Some view that as a weakness, I've always viewed it as a strength.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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For me, it's a pretty much all L.A. based teams except the Seahawks.

Lakers: I'm supposed to be a Suns fan. That was the plan anyway. I was born in Phoenix and most of my family is still in Arizona and they are ALL Suns fans. My aunts had season tickets to Suns games and would always take me to at least one when we would visit during basketball season. The first Suns game that they took me to was in 1970 vs. the Lakers. Not sure what it was, but as soon as the Lakers stepped on the court, I was a fan and haven't looked back.

USC: Again, 1970, I'm 8 years old and becoming a big sports fan. I had just started playing Jr. All American football, so my Dad took me to a game because I wanted to see "real football players". A friend of his had USC season tickets and gave them to my Dad when he couldn't go one Saturday. The USC band started up, then here comes Tommy Trojan riding on Traveler, then here comes the team and once again, I was hooked and haven't looked back.

Became a Dodgers fan that same season. I was a die-hard Rams fan until that snake eating bitch took them to St. Louis. Became a Seahawks fan right about that time because I had already started liking them (not sure why, just did) and I just can't be a Chargers fan.


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Apr 24, 2013
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No problem with a person being a fan of the player.....as for when I actually got a real rooting interest, I started out hoping that Shaq would win in the Finals that year against Houston. He went on to the Lakers and I eventually became a Laker fan. When he left, I stopped being a fan of his, but hoped he did well in Miami. As for the Saints, grew up in louisiana, and have been on board for obviously a long time now. Seeing them go from perennial losers to SB champion is my top sports moment


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Jul 2, 2013
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From Seattle so I will always be a Sonics fan at heart until we get our team back.

However, outside of GP and Kemp I was always huge fans of guys like Zo and Hardaway. I used to emulate the Hardaway crossover growing up playing street ball. Some of my favorite playoff series to watch back then were those Heat-Knicks rivalries.

In the 2000s Lebron, Ray, and Wade were easily my favorite players. I remember a young Dwade taking a team of Lamar Odom and Caron Butler to the playoffs and then Kobe with the same two players missed the playoffs the next year. 2006 I hated Dallas and to see Dwade pull off that legendary performance in the Finals to take them down was amazing to watch.

Summer of 2010 when Lebron and Dwade joined forces it was the perfect storm. Ray and Rashard joining a couple years later was the cherry on top. 3 of my all time favorite players on a great organization that I've always enjoyed watching.

I don't really care what kind of fan people label me as. I'm as passionate and knowledgeable about the Heat as anyone. At the end of the day that's what matters.


Guy Who Never Responds
Apr 17, 2013
Ellicott City, MD
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We don't have a football, baseball, or hockey team in central Texas.
I certainly am not going to root for some freaking Metroplex team.
I hate Dallas teams more than any other teams.
I don't mind Houston area teams, but I don't root for them.

I adopted Philadelphia for my other teams.
I root for the Flyers, Phillies, and Eagles.

If San Antonio or Austin ever gets an MLB, NHL, or NFL team, I probably will switch.
But, then again I am so ingrained with the Philly teams, it might be too late.


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Player fan, bandwagon fan, all the same shit.


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Oct 29, 2013
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To be fair that Bieber image with the Spurs hat looks like a mirrored image of the one with the Heat hat but with the Spurs hat PhotoShopped in.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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To be fair that Bieber image with the Spurs hat looks like a mirrored image of the one with the Heat hat but with the Spurs hat PhotoShopped in.

Shhh!! It's more fun letting them think he's a fan. Besides, did you forget that they sent Romo in on you guys?


The Middle of Everywhere: NWI
Apr 18, 2013
Chesterton, IN
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Hate to break it to you but you are the definition of a bandwagon fan. Might be hard for you to believe, but the "loyal" fans might not take it too kindly when you trash their teams when they know all too well that Miami wasn't always your team.

Call it crybaby if it fits your agenda but if you openly trash one's team you should expect your fanhood to come to question. Should be expected and frankly hypocritical on your part. Not all of us have our roster fabricated to fit our desires like you do.

Get it? Good, moving on...

(For the record, my past hatred for Carmelo is among the top reasons I became part-Nuggets fan the past couple years:lol:)
That being said, I'll always have greater allegiances to my real team than my bandwagon one, something many others around here won't be able to legitly claim...


Royals -when they do win its a WS RING.
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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player fans are becoming more common place because players don't stay with one team like they did pre 90's or 00's...in all sports...NFL and its cap system is probably the easist...no problem with player fans at all and not shocked by its evolution...

LA fan when Magic left MSU, became other LA fans of Garvey, Vince Ferragamo, McCutchen, Cromwell, Reuss, Gretsky, Robitelle or however you spell that fuggers name....when they all retired and living in KC, Brett, Sabs, Bo Jackson and especially Tom Gordon caused me to become a Royals and Chiefs fan....

now its just a matter of principle.....I can't leave being a KC Royals fan til they win something....I finally understand the Cubbies fan and once Red Sox fans trap. I will root for the players who stay with the Royals, they leave, they are dead to me. Grienke, Damon, Beltran are wusses...If they leave after winning something, then I will cross that bridge when it happens.

The team each one of us started to like was because of 1 certain player, difference now is they change teams more often.


Apr 17, 2013
Appleton, Wisconsin
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Do you actually live in appleton?

See you have one distinct difference from me, you started as a player fan. And your players started and ended their careers in the same places.

I have always been a player fan as well as supporting the badgers and the bucks (i hated favre and thus the packers). The players I became a fan of were Peyton and LeBron. And it sucks because both of them left their teams for different reasons.

I am still a colts fan, although for the remainder of Peyton's career I think I put him higher than the colts.

As far as LeBron. I think it is more clear cut lebron fandom than anything to do with the cavs at any point. so i left the cavs, especially after gilbert acted like an ass.

As for how I became a fan of those two. Literally the first game I watched from start to finish during the 00's was a bulls cavs game. lebron hit a game tying 3 to put the game to OT. i was impressed by his overall play and started liking him.

The peyton thing started in college when he was throwing darts to peerless price

I do live in Appleton.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
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Hate to break it to you but you are the definition of a bandwagon fan. Might be hard for you to believe, but the "loyal" fans might not take it too kindly when you trash their teams when they know all too well that Miami wasn't always your team.

Call it crybaby if it fits your agenda but if you openly trash one's team you should expect your fanhood to come to question. Should be expected and frankly hypocritical on your part. Not all of us have our roster fabricated to fit our desires like you do.

Get it? Good, moving on...

(For the record, my past hatred for Carmelo is among the top reasons I became part-Nuggets fan the past couple years:lol:)
That being said, I'll always have greater allegiances to my real team than my bandwagon one, something many others around here won't be able to legitly claim...

whose teams am i trashing? So I'm not allowed to have an opinion you disagree with is your point? Because I like LeBron?

Half what you are saying here doesn't even make sense. Its not like i run around here bashing organizations.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
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Hate to break it to you but you are the definition of a bandwagon fan. Might be hard for you to believe, but the "loyal" fans might not take it too kindly when you trash their teams when they know all too well that Miami wasn't always your team.

Call it crybaby if it fits your agenda but if you openly trash one's team you should expect your fanhood to come to question. Should be expected and frankly hypocritical on your part. Not all of us have our roster fabricated to fit our desires like you do.

Get it? Good, moving on...

(For the record, my past hatred for Carmelo is among the top reasons I became part-Nuggets fan the past couple years:lol:)
That being said, I'll always have greater allegiances to my real team than my bandwagon one, something many others around here won't be able to legitly claim...

If the Bucks played the Heat in the ECF i'd cheer for the bucks all day.