Resident Libertarian
Tell it to his black teammates. You're acting like the team is choosing to do this. His teammates are offended and you rightly so. The most vocal came out and {gasp} said he doesn't want to be friends anymore. And you're blown away by that?
Can you please list all the reasons you feel using the N word is a good idea, Down.
Fucking ignorant moron...
"he should lose his job because he offended some of his team mates!!! because he said a mean word!!!! Had he only driven off the road drunk and killed one of this team mates, that's a forgivable mistake."
And stop pretending I've said things I never did....
I never said using it was a good idea, I said it was "drunken stupidity" "ignorant" and "offensive"...I said he should be punished, and recognized that he has, in fact, been punished by the Eagles already...
In the all time "dumbest shit done by a football player" It doesn't crack the top 1,000....