One day it will all make sense
Ok, who would you have voted for in 2021?
Joel who played in 51 games?
Jokić received 971 out of a possible 1010 total points in the voting. Somehow voters who are paid to watch games overwhelmingly decided that carrying a team starting Facundo Compazzo, Will Barton, Aaron Gordon (obtained in a trade after year started), and Paul Millsap, who was absolutely on his last legs to 6th place was worthy.
I'm actually fine with him winning 1 or 2. I think the bar has to raise to get 3 and for whatever reason (to steal from thunder) for him it hasn't raised like it did for Jordan and Lebron
Let me say again
Lebron James has not won an MVP in 11 years.
Provided minny eliminates Denver they will have won 2 playoff series in Jokics 3 MVP seasons. That is by far the lowest bar for any 3 time winner ever.