Have i denied callin for thibs firing meatball? I said it out of frustration.
(1)And again, Dolan may be an azzhole, but the superstars in the NBA are prima Donnas who won’t play in NY, not because of Dolan, but because of the media and fans!
(2)And don’t give me the BS tlance said about the nets being in Brooklyn which is NY! It’s like comparing the buffaloe bills to the ny giants!
Talk about DUMBFUCKERY, you are the reigning champion of it.
You related to tlance?
1. Yes Dolan is the reason no NBA superstars want to play for the Knicks. It's either that or the Garden's in a bad neighborhood. And as much as you want it to be true Brunson isn't a superstar.
2. Are you not aware that the Knicks play in NYC and the Nets play in Brooklyn? Same state, different cities. And leave it to you to try and compare the Bills and Giants.
What's wrong with you?