Free Agent?
Wow, the Reds are gonna have some competition there
I between all that, Middlebrooks makes an out
I hate that man, drafted him all over the place
WMB had a double earlier. Savor it!
Lawrie/Middlebrooks was my choice in 3 leagues
I went all in on the wrong guy
me too i had a lot of belief in him....thank god a got machado to back him up late in my big money be fucked without him
I talked up Machado like crazy, and kept passing on him...Im embarassed by how much earlier than him I took Middlebrooks
machado......bargain saver saviour
both guys were the wrong guy there
I talked up Machado like crazy, and kept passing on him...Im embarassed by how much earlier than him I took Middlebrooks
He was more highly touted prospect then them for a reason..
me too....but i got machado later than i probably should have....same with mcann and definately in first and just got 2 huge sticks that i hadnt needed yet....and still have bottombrooks on the roster in case he does start hitting