Decent strike zone against Gardner. Where the fuck was that strike zone whenGardnwr was batting in the sevenrh inning last night? And, my god, does the Fraudkee* management give away tickets to fugl women or is are they just typical NY women? Damn, those women are ugly.
Seems it would be much less valuable for a younger player that doesn't have a large sample size to support the average. Also seems not to take into account a player becoming a better hitter - e.g. a lefty who was shut down by the shift who then starts going opposite field a lot to avoid the shift.
I know more than you do. Be honest how much time did you just spending 3 stats just praying that you could find something to answer my question for a quantitative analysis? It was awhile wasn't it.
Ah, got in...sat down, relaxed... ready to watch a game!
Phil Fuckin Hughes!
What the hell happened? Did he toss an interception that got run back?
Blue jays bats are on fire.
Dirt, is there room on the couch for me to join you to watch "The Proposal" with the family!
Hop on the Train Pete, Dinner is 10 minutes away, and "Safe Haven" is ready to go.....I wiggled my way out of that last night, no such luck tonight