An image back in time
The good news is that Taylor is only a sophomore!
Fuck Taylor?
Comon' guys.......you're a hell of a lot better than that
Is Taylor putting Taylor in the game?? No. Does Taylor suck?? Yes.
That is Bo's fault. Tonight, I say FUCK YOU BO........and I say it with love. But you should know better than to leave the struggling kid in there.
Don't tell a kid to fuck off guys.......my God.
When the guy says this loss doesn't matter, people will tend to turn against him for sure. This loss and the next 3 to 5 losses we have this year will matter also. I stuck up for him until I heard about his "I could give a shit" comment.
The good news is that Taylor is only a sophomore!
depends on your point of view... :confused2:
LOL........ Ex was being sarcastic......... at least i would hope so...
i remember having similar thoughts about Niles
amazing how the terrible playing asshats seem to hold their positions, but 1 mistake by someone else gets them benched
-see Tyler Moore last night
I want me another Berringer, Frazier, or Gill
And for fucksakes......... Colleges students are not "Kids".......
Old enough to go to war, old enough to take criticism.......
Even though most young adults act like kids........ doesn't mean they should be treated that way....
Taylor has the mental strength of 6 year old, one bad thing happens..... he is toast
Jamal and Kenny were wide open down field, and crossed the safety on at least 5 plays that I seen, and counted.
i refuse to re-watch it so if your re-watching let me know some of the more specific issues. i was to angry to really be paying attention to the details last night