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Taylor Martinez


Till We Can't Be Beat. WON'T. BE. BEAT.
Jan 9, 2010
Hoopla Cash
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Bo doesnt want to be wrong about taylor..

And weve had piss poor DB recruiting, and its showing

You're gonna defend Raymond all the way to the unemployment office so I won't bother


Aug 4, 2011
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Taylor Martinez can become a great football player. He will never be a great quarterback. They need to find a way to give him some sort of gimmick role and find some guy who can throw the ball to be quarterback.


¿Cómo está usted?
Jan 11, 2010
Lincoln, NE
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Fuck Taylor?

Comon' guys.......you're a hell of a lot better than that :L

Is Taylor putting Taylor in the game?? No. Does Taylor suck?? Yes.

That is Bo's fault. Tonight, I say FUCK YOU BO........and I say it with love. But you should know better than to leave the struggling kid in there.

Don't tell a kid to fuck off guys :L.......my God.


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May 2, 2010
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Taylor will continue to start untill he gets himself hurt which is pretty likely at some point...Then Brion will get his chance to step up


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Jan 10, 2010
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I saw TM's eyes on the sideline before that game and he had the deer in the headlight look that he gets. I thought oh shit here we go again.
But than he came out and we did good and I thought great he has enough experience to overcome his jitters now.

Our defense looked good for one drive and then it went to hell in a had basket and I knew we would never survive a shootout.

Then TM got a couple of bad passes and his first interception, maybe second and he got that look back again. This kid to start can not throw well enough to throw in good coverage. Then when his passes start going south he gets scared and starts making stupid decisions.

We have seen this over and over and over again. This kid does not have what it takes to give us what we need to win big games. We do not have the line for him to gut it up the middle. He can not make it to the corners and when he tries he does a last minute pitch to get rid of it to someone who is forced out of bounds. He can make 10 -15 yard passes but he telegraphs his intentions on every pass he makes.

This has been from the beginning and has not changed one iota. I put this game squarely on Bo's shoulders. Taylor needs to be moved to another position and Carnes needs to be put in.

I know we will have growing pains but we can not do any worse than we did last night and if we can't win these big games I don't give a shit about the little ones.

I know I said before that TM had the experience so we were better off with him but last night I saw that nothing has changed since he started his first game last year. He cannot pass, he cannot handle pressure and he cannot make a decision to throw without letting every defender, coach, fan in the stands and guy happening to be driving down the street next to the stadium know what he is going to do.

And I don't even want to get into how sick and tired I am of our lines getting beat up at the line of scrimmage. We are Nebraska God Damn It and I am sick of anemic lines.


In Violation Of Air Space
Jan 11, 2010
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^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Agreed all the way!^^^^^^^^^^^^^
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Not a drunk
Feb 6, 2010
Dakota City, NEBRASKA
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And for fucksakes......... Colleges students are not "Kids".......

Old enough to go to war, old enough to take criticism.......

Even though most young adults act like kids........ doesn't mean they should be treated that way....

Taylor has the mental strength of 6 year old, one bad thing happens..... he is toast

Big Red Said

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Sep 2, 2010
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Have not had time to read this thread yet except title of it...

Taylor has taken us as far as he is going too... I do not think he will learn or adapt any further... and I said as much to those that matter... to which they did not respond!

Sorry... and I probably should not say it... but it's fact!

Carnes is a player who can see the whole field, has a decent arm and although is light on play book wisdom... has the abilities to learn faster and take us farther... with time. Could cost us a few games because he has little experience but could also do the reverse and cause our team to rally to support him best they can too.

I can't say the game was all TM's fault but throwing into coverages he was... as well as piss poor continued and painful lack of accuracy for the whole season, leads me to feel like Beck and Bo should consider options.

Up 14 to 7 and with the run working as it was... then to abandon it to go mostly pass first was ignorant as hell in my opinion. The "D" was motivated and performing well during that time but became lethargic after continued fuck ups by the "O". My opinion is Beck has some ownership in Wisconsin hanging 48 against us.

No disrespect to Wisconsin as they do have a solid team all around but what makes that team is Wilson and his abilities... which are not superman like but compared to TM... its close.

Congrats to Wisconsin and I hope you win out up till Big Ten CG... and hope we can somehow find ourselves in the next 5 day's.. then hopefully grow up and win out... thus forcing another game with them. Not sure the outcome would be different If the play calling remained the same but if we were to go back to the game plan we had in the first 20 minutes of the game I suspect the outcome would be different and be down to the wire...

Sorry guys... Not trying to spread sour grapes here and there were breakdowns on "D" coverage all night (Youthful and dumb), but it is what it is...

I need to watch the film to see all the areas in which we failed at but there is plenty of areas within the whole team to spread around some of the blame and I feel bad for all our Husker fans and as well as Wisconsins team and fans for failing to give them the game they should have got from us.
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Jan 9, 2010
Lincoln, Nebraska
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I wonder if there is any truth to Taylor forcing Wats out..

starting to believe it... but don't really want to

and holy shit if taylor continues to be our QB all season, I want Bo out and have given up on him.

Big Red Said

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long standing rumor gaining more legs today, I'm not going to post more than that.

Not sure I would put stock in rumors of any kind irule... and I should probably not single out one player like that especially after just watching what was on the tube.... rather than evaluating film... but I just think the kid has peaked and is what he will always be... going forward.


Jan 9, 2010
Lincoln, Nebraska
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I'm jest trying to keep a level head here, BRS

and I just don't see any reason for Taylor to play the whole damn game, every game, unless Bo is just afraid to be wrong about him.. :L

but i guess there could be a better explanation somewhere.

Big Red Said

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I'm jest trying to keep a level head here, BRS

and I just don't see any reason for Taylor to play the whole damn game, every game, unless Bo is just afraid to be wrong about him.. :L

but i guess there could be a better explanation somewhere.

I did not have a level head last night...and feel like I have a hangover today... but never had anything to drink....

:decision: I suspect I was a bit disturbed