Off to drink wine with the wife. In the words of our studmuffin tzill: don't fuck this up guys.
Have a good one bud!
Off to drink wine with the wife. In the words of our studmuffin tzill: don't fuck this up guys.
Off to drink wine with the wife. In the words of our studmuffin tzill: don't fuck this up guys.
Cain getting Cained.
Cain getting Cained.
This year I thought it was getting Bummed?
Cain holds the patent on the concept.
Really, Colin? Who are you, a 19 year old Tri Delt?
I hope so...
I should start giving him (her?) more rep...
Now Whiteside?
I hope so...
I should start giving him (her?) more rep...
Where was this team in August? Everyone in the lineup with a hit, except Cain.
Sabean often bids against himself.
Sabean to Zito (back int he day): "Hey Barry, we could really use a stud pitcher, and franchise guy. What do you think of 5 years and $90 million?"
Bor-a$$ (in the background): cough, cough
Zito: "Well, that seems kind of pricey, since I have lost 8 mph on my fastball since my USC days."
Sabean: "That's OK. Tell you what, how does 6 years and $110 million sound?"
Zito: "You are improving the offer? I have no offers from any other team. But what the heck, it's your money."
Sabean: "Alright, you drive a tough bargain. 7 years and $126 million is my final offer. Take it or leave it."
In other news, I would really like to see Verlander get 25 wins, that would be cool.