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Take It For What It's Worth


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Jul 12, 2013
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well based on this, can Barksdale slide into Jone's spot? I can't remember the comments on him playing there and I really am not an expert on him at all. I really like Jones, think he should compete for the center role as well, but I don't think he should start if he doesn't have too.

J thomas said they tried putting him at guard and he's just not suited for it.
I would leave him at RT. If it aint broke don't fix it!


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Dec 24, 2013
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Then I think we should not draft a OL in the first 13 picks...

Because if we are drafting someone that high, they need to play tackle, we're drafting a OG at #2. If we're good with Braksdale at RT then let's keep it be. Maybe grab Gabe Jackson in round 2 or something I really like Weston Richburg from CSU too


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Dec 24, 2013
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^ agreed, I think he'd help us a lot and should be a 2nd round pick, not sure if he'll be there when we draft though

defense in round one! OG/Center in round two. Exceptions for everything ;)


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Jul 16, 2013
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Where exactly do you guys have Mack playing in this defense?

SAM LB, although it's tough to say what the system will look like under Williams this year. I've always listed Mack as a viable option at #2 IF Williams has a plan for him and/or thinks he's a fit at the SAM backer.


Unofficial board GM
May 9, 2013
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Barrett Jones will be starting SOMEWHERE on the O line this year, my guess is LG next to Long. He is the only person in history to win the college award given to the best C (Remington award) and best interior lineman (Outland Trophy). He has reported back to Rams Park bigger and stronger than last year and with no issues with his foot. IMO, neither Su'a-Filo (my favorite) nor Jackson would unseat Jones barring injury. Now there is the possibility Jones wins the starting job at C and they cut Wells. But I also think Matthews would unseat Barksdale without an issue

As for Khalil Mack, he would unseat Dunbar without a second thought but I do not think he is the guy we ultimately choose...


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Dec 24, 2013
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Barrett Jones will be starting SOMEWHERE on the O line this year, my guess is LG next to Long. He is the only person in history to win the college award given to the best C (Remington award) and best interior lineman (Outland Trophy). He has reported back to Rams Park bigger and stronger than last year and with no issues with his foot. IMO, neither Su'a-Filo (my favorite) nor Jackson would unseat Jones barring injury. Now there is the possibility Jones wins the starting job at C and they cut Wells. But I also think Matthews would unseat Barksdale without an issue

As for Khalil Mack, he would unseat Dunbar without a second thought but I do not think he is the guy we ultimately choose...

I'm also a big Jones fan, he can play center and a newly drafted OG (doubt we get Si'a-Filo, I normally see him go towards the end of the first, so I think a player like Jackson or Richburg are more realistic choices, not really sure what I feel about Si'a-Filo anyway). But Jones can play OG AND Center. So I think that by picking up Jackson or Richburg (whichever is there) and pretty much replace Wells, who we can cut and save money. Two defensive players in the 1st upgrade that, and we upgrade our line in the second, we should be pretty solid.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
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Maybe if they take Robinson, he and Quick and Bradford will all click and the projects will finally show up.?

Maybe lol


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I'm also a big Jones fan, he can play center and a newly drafted OG (doubt we get Si'a-Filo, I normally see him go towards the end of the first, so I think a player like Jackson or Richburg are more realistic choices, not really sure what I feel about Si'a-Filo anyway). But Jones can play OG AND Center. So I think that by picking up Jackson or Richburg (whichever is there) and pretty much replace Wells, who we can cut and save money. Two defensive players in the 1st upgrade that, and we upgrade our line in the second, we should be pretty solid.

I would think the ultimate position for Jones would be center with his football IQ. Not sure he will ever be the athletic OG that you would want at LG.


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Apr 18, 2013
Lake Havasu City, Arizona
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Lets just draft Watkins so everyone is happy.:nod: The Rams can work magic with him, Austin, Bailey and Givens. All we need is a OC that has a clue and a QB that isn't doing his best Jim Everett stance of falling backwards on most throws. Lets give the Seahawks, 49ers and Cardinals, 3 more possessions a game, our defense likes to be out there for 40 minutes. They can hang chasing Wilson and Kap around because if we don't fix the line, it is more 3 and outs and a punt. Good thing our punter makes the pro bowl. OK, you guys think that we can fix the line in later rounds. Last time I checked, most of us never like the Rams picks anyway. A whole bunch of Monday QBs. I've wanted Watkins for 3 months because I want offense but better than that I want to win something, like a fuc... playoff game. Getting fuc... older and playing pussy ball aint working. Take the damm ball out of Bradford's hands and let the offense control the thing for 40 minutes, score when we get there and leave Wilson and Kap on the fuc... bench watching. Figure it out guys.


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Lets just draft Watkins so everyone is happy.:nod: The Rams can work magic with him, Austin, Bailey and Givens. All we need is a OC that has a clue and a QB that isn't doing his best Jim Everett stance of falling backwards on most throws. Lets give the Seahawks, 49ers and Cardinals, 3 more possessions a game, our defense likes to be out there for 40 minutes. They can hang chasing Wilson and Kap around because if we don't fix the line, it is more 3 and outs and a punt. Good thing our punter makes the pro bowl. OK, you guys think that we can fix the line in later rounds. Last time I checked, most of us never like the Rams picks anyway. A whole bunch of Monday QBs. I've wanted Watkins for 3 months because I want offense but better than that I want to win something, like a fuc... playoff game. Getting fuc... older and playing pussy ball aint working. Take the damm ball out of Bradford's hands and let the offense control the thing for 40 minutes, score when we get there and leave Wilson and Kap on the fuc... bench watching. Figure it out guys.
Someone is fired up!!

I LIKE IT! :yahoo:


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
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Yes we need to address offense so our fucking D doesn't stay on the field the whole game. I'm tired of watching 3 and outs. I'm tired of watching players not being able to adjust to broken plays. Hell most of you complained about too many OCs and now our OC in his 3rd year sucks! What about the QB/WR relationship? What about just getting it done and finding ways to adjust?

I'm glad a few people don't forget that.


Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
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Looks like a couple of the old guys are getting fired for the big draft in a couple of days!!! This is good.


the SoCo kid
Apr 29, 2013
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Just saying, the Rams already have 9 WR's on the roster. You don't sign guys just to cut them. There already spots taken with Tavon, Bailey, Givens, Quick, and Britt who are guaranteed to make the team. That only leaves room for 1 more, maybe 2 more guys. I wouldn't be too shocked to see the Rams not go WR at all in this draft.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
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I would be shocked to see a team (whose offense has been so bad) not address certain offensive positions.
Maybe you're not understanding that the Rams offense went three and out consistently?

Quality is always going to rule over quantity.


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Apr 18, 2013
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:nod:Junkie, you, I and others have been completely behind the Rams drafting Watkins in this draft for months. But as I study the draft, needs of the Rams, the division and what it takes to make the playoffs, Watkins at #2 is not it. If I could figure a way to get Watkins, Robinson, Matthews or Lewan, HaHa, Jackson in the 2nd and the QB project, I would sell all the other 7 picks. Yes the Rams have holes, FS, OLB, Oline and as far as I can see even QB, but Bradford for better or worse is the Rams QB this season I believe. There is only one way I can have it like I want. Trade with Cleveland so they can draft Manziel and get #4. If Clowney goes 1 and Manziel goes #2 and Mack goes #3, then the Rams take Watkins. Then at #13 Lewan if he is still there and Prior at #26 if he is still there, Jackson at #44 and then the QB, OLB after that. That is a lot of ifs. It might be the only way though that the Rams cover all the bases in this draft as far as I see. We can all disagree about who, how, where and how many but in the end if the Rams can't hold on to the ball, score at the end of a drive and take 3 possessions from Wilson and Kap in the division in each game, we will again sit here discussing who, how, where and how many next draft. We already can do that now with the last draft where the Rams blew it. Lets not fuck up another or old guys like me and retro and others will only remember the good old days and not the resent past and future.:L


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Dec 24, 2013
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:nod:Junkie, you, I and others have been completely behind the Rams drafting Watkins in this draft for months. But as I study the draft, needs of the Rams, the division and what it takes to make the playoffs, Watkins at #2 is not it. If I could figure a way to get Watkins, Robinson, Matthews or Lewan, HaHa, Jackson in the 2nd and the QB project, I would sell all the other 7 picks. Yes the Rams have holes, FS, OLB, Oline and as far as I can see even QB, but Bradford for better or worse is the Rams QB this season I believe. There is only one way I can have it like I want. Trade with Cleveland so they can draft Manziel and get #4. If Clowney goes 1 and Manziel goes #2 and Mack goes #3, then the Rams take Watkins. Then at #13 Lewan if he is still there and Prior at #26 if he is still there, Jackson at #44 and then the QB, OLB after that. That is a lot of ifs. It might be the only way though that the Rams cover all the bases in this draft as far as I see. We can all disagree about who, how, where and how many but in the end if the Rams can't hold on to the ball, score at the end of a drive and take 3 possessions from Wilson and Kap in the division in each game, we will again sit here discussing who, how, where and how many next draft. We already can do that now with the last draft where the Rams blew it. Lets not fuck up another or old guys like me and retro and others will only remember the good old days and not the resent past and future.:L

Don't get me wrong, I've been Watkins since before we drafted Austin.... But I want to stay FAR AWAY from Robinson. I like Mathews, but like my point before, if Long and Barksdale are starting at OT, then drafting an OT isn't a great move in the 1st. Drafting Watkins @ #2 is a good move, but drafting Robinson there, just isn't! Also, no promise Jags don't take him at #3, he needs to be drafted at #2 if we're going to have him.

And you're trade, probably won't happen! I really doubt the Browns are going to give up their 2nd 1st rounder to secure Manziel when they can just draft him at 4! Bradford has one more season to fail then you can replace him, drafting a QB at #2 also isn't a good move. Like I said, if Bridgewater is in play in the second and we can grab him, let's make the moves to do so!

Also I don't want Lewan, much rather just draft Dix/Pyror, especially because I do not think we'll have the 26th pick, nor do I think either of the top safeties will be there. S is a much bigger need then OT.


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Apr 18, 2013
Lake Havasu City, Arizona
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I understand your thoughts ice, and as far as the difference between Robinson and Mathews, I am only thinking running the ball, which Robinson has no equal. Your right of course about Cleveland, but my saying it was making my point of how I wanted it. Watkins may be the next Jerry Rice but Bradford isn't Montana or Young and I hope you are young because I am not. Throw cancer on top of that and I am have to have the Rams win again now versus 3 or 4 years from now. I probably won't see them win again but after being a fan for over 50 years, a football coach for 15 years, a QB in my day, certain things don't change. I was only as good as the guys in front of me because if I had the time, I could hit anyone.


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Jul 16, 2013
Rochester, NY
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I have to think the Manziel interest is to hopefully prompt the Browns (or another team) to trade up to #2. It wouldn't have to be for the #26; it could be for their 2nd rounder.