Scotchy Scotch Scotch!
I have been Online since 1992
Granted it was WAAY different.
BBS SysOp?
I have been Online since 1992
Granted it was WAAY different.
BBS SysOp?
ALLCAPSGOJAYS still there?
LOL, He was kinda funny dash. Who was the poster that would rant about.....Guy's like Hitch and Torts coach crap hockey always play crap trap defense and we get no scoring from that crap. Lamaire like this to he play trap and score 1-0 all the time. Ruin the game !! That guy cracked me up !!!
That was crosby87119 or something along those lines. His favo(u)rite word was "crap".
That was crosby87119 or something along those lines. His favo(u)rite word was "crap".
Are AngryPuppy and NonPrejudicedAthleticsEnthusiast still regulars over there?
Who was the poster who found a way to discuss Aki Berg in any situation?
I wanted to let the dog out for a moment in this thread...but alas...I forgot the password to that account. Or it got deleted.
I have been Online since 1992
Granted it was WAAY different.
I remember in 1991 me and my girlfriend got Prodigy installed on our computers and did a chat with our proud parents standing there in utter amazement. True story.
I have seriously been sitting here for 20 minutes trying to remember the password to the Snork_McGigglepants account.