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Super Bowl site qualifications and requirements


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 200.00
Your seeing typical Seattle thinking. "not in my backyard" Want the world, dont want to do anything to earn it.

It's the same type of thinking that lead to our basketball team leaving for the back woods of oklahoma. Seattle politics, seattle thinking, smh......

Police officers should not be able to be used as personal escorts for rich people; hire people to do that. That's not the function for which people pay taxes. It should be downright illegal anywhere in the country. But like I said, it's a pretty small fish to fry considering the plethora of things people who have been entrusted to serve in the government have arbitrarily expanded their functions to do.


2018 DCFFL Champion!
Jul 2, 2013
Your head
Hoopla Cash
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The deal-breaker for Seattle may very well be the 35,000 parking spots required. I doubt there are that many lots in the area


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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The deal-breaker for Seattle may very well be the 35,000 parking spots required. I doubt there are that many lots in the area

If Chris Hansen ends up buying the land that he got the option on a little while ago, he mentioned something about putting one, maybe two parking structures on it. I don't know if that would increase the amount of parking spaces enough, but it would add a lot of parking to the area.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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They limited scheduled home prime-time games for the reigning champion because of the atmosphere when they play at the Clink.

The league would piss themselves if the Seahawks managed to play a SB at home.

I don't know how they would do it and not cause a firestorm, but I think the NFL would try anything it could to make the game as neutral as possible if it ended up being played in one of the participants' home stadiums. Seeing thousands of fans spend thousands of dollars and travel thousands of miles to cheer their team on on the other side of the country is one thing, but if the game ended up being played in the backyard of one of the teams, I think the league would try something to prevent it from essentially becoming a home game for that team.

You know, if they wanted to end the speculation about what would happen if a team played a Super Bowl home game and avoid having people cry foul if the league tried to "make it neutral", they should just self finance a stadium in L.A., name it Super Bowl Stadium and play every Super Bowl there. Play the Pro Bowl there too if Hawaii doesn't do it for them anymore. That would take care of people asking "Will there be a team in L.A. again?" and put an end to cities feeling left out and overlooked because the league won't let the Super Bowl happen there. Plenty of people have suggested this before, so I don't know why the league doesn't just do it (outside of the whole "having to self finance the stadium" part, of course).