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aka Raindrop
official trailer
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Same here. Two major drawbacks I saw with the prequels- Jar Jar Binks character (minor set back) and HC being a shitty actor (much bigger setback). Although his shitty acting made it easy to hate Anakin... then again he was supposed to be somewhat likeable leading up to RotS. I thought the performances of MacGregor, Portman and most of the other cast far outweighed the drawbacks. And I really liked the storyline and evolution of the characters. The Anakin vs. Obi Wan battle in RotS was worth it all.I'm in the minority here but I didn't mind the prequels as much as everybody else, especially Revenge of The Sith.
It's all speculation at this point, but I thought the overwhelming hypothesis was that Jaina and Jaicen would have pivotal roles in the trilogy along with Ben Skywalker and maybe Anakin Solo. I think the roles of the big 3 will definitely be in the first one and then dwindle. Hamill had an interview recently that made me think this is a handing off of the reins type of film. He talked about how the franchise would be in good hands with the new actors/characters.Sweeeeet. Gree up in the 80's and had every figure as a kid. Didnt care for the cheesy prequels.....still seen em many times.
Cant wait for dec 18th. Just hope im not let down since they didnt follow the books. Was really hoping to see jaina and jacen on the big screen. I also hope the old characters arent just in it for a lil bit. Hopefully luke skywalker and han solo play big roles.
Still i cant wait
All those clones of Jango Fett aged/grew at an accelerated rate so it's safe to say that the majority of them were probably out of service by the time of A New Hope (Ep 4) which was about 20 years after Revenge of the Sith. The Empire's forces were already diverse by the time of ANH as you can see by the faces of the officers and NCO-types.confused. now I don't know all the back stories & such, just watch the movies, but I thought all the storm troopers were clones therefore were all alike. (then I see a black storm trooper)
Also I thought boba fett died in return of the jedi?
All those clones of Jango Fett aged/grew at an accelerated rate so it's safe to say that the majority of them were probably out of service by the time of A New Hope (Ep 4) which was about 20 years after Revenge of the Sith. The Empire's forces were already diverse by the time of ANH as you can see by the faces of the officers and NCO-types.
There was always speculation that Boba did not die in the sarlac pit... what a lame way for a well liked/hated character to die. The sarlac was supposed to slowly digest people so it would give Boba time to figure a way out?He had all sorts of gear and weapons on him.
Same here. Two major drawbacks I saw with the prequels- Jar Jar Binks character (minor set back) and HC being a shitty actor (much bigger setback). Although his shitty acting made it easy to hate Anakin... then again he was supposed to be somewhat likeable leading up to RotS. I thought the performances of MacGregor, Portman and most of the other cast far outweighed the drawbacks. And I really liked the storyline and evolution of the characters. The Anakin vs. Obi Wan battle in RotS was worth it all.
It almost makes you think they edited down his part a lot due to time. I mean, they had Jimmy Smits playing the guy. They could have done a LOT more with that character who was apparently a trusted ally of Yoda and Obi-Wan. But that dynamic never really got fleshed out on the screen.I agree with you guys. They were nowhere near as good as the originals but neither are most movies that are generally perceived as good flicks. I've always felt that a bad Star Wars movie is still better than 95%+ of movies to ever hit the theaters. I also agree that Ep. III was the best of the prequels. It had very little Jar Jar and I actually thought HC's acting improved quite a bit since Ep. II. It still had a few cringe worthy moments but not as many as the other 2.
I do wish they did more to develop the character of Leia's adopted father. He was kind of lurking here and there but was really only a minor character so when he stood up to say he and his wife would adopt Leia it didn't have the same payoff it could have had if they had developed him better over 2 or 3 movies.
I'm in the minority here but I didn't mind the prequels as much as everybody else, especially Revenge of The Sith.
confused. now I don't know all the back stories & such, just watch the movies, but I thought all the storm troopers were clones therefore were all alike. (then I see a black storm trooper)
Also I thought boba fett died in return of the jedi?