Buckle up!!
I'm in.
Maybe not certainly...Neal, Dupuis, Iginla, Morrow, Jokinen. Sutter
We might get to add/remove players each playoff round:
Yep each round like you said but not after the conference finals start. Here is what it says in the rules:
Roster Lock Periods
Roster slots lock individually before the start of each playoff round. The first lock is at the start of the first playoff game and you can change the players around as often as you like up until this time. After the the first round, or Conference Quarter-final round, is completed, you will be able to select a new roster for the second, or Conference Semi-final, round. After the conference semi-finals are completed, you will again be able to select a new roster if you wish. This is the last roster change period available as the roster you have set for the Conference Championship games is frozen for the remainder of the playoffs (i.e. including the Stanley Cup Finals).
im sitting in second right now and I didnt know about the ability to change lineups by the round so i would have done a few things a little not picking Saad.
And I knew this rule and used it to my advantage, yet I have the same score as you.i had NO idea you could drop a player and get another and just exchange teh dollar values I thought once it was spent it was spent....