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Sorry, but Franklin is a total douchenozzle


Roll Tide? What? FUCK YOU! lolz
Hoopla Pickems Staff
Dec 22, 2009
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When asked about the difference between Vanderbilt, his former employer, and Penn State, Franklin said values. At Vanderbilt, which is in the SEC, Franklin says the top priority was always football.
"They don't make any excuses or try to justify, that's really their reason for existence," Franklin says.
At Penn State, Franklin says there's an emphasis on education and an athlete receiving a well-rounded experience. Additionally, with recruiting, he says his goal is to capture student athletes that are going to be "great fits here socially as well as academically."

1. Vandy is not some SEC football factory where "football was always the top priority".

2. Didn't some of his well rounded recruits get charged with gang r*pe?

seriously...this dude is slimey

State College, PA - Penn State Football Coach Franklin Wants Team to Break GPA Records for Football Program


Dad, World Traveler, Investor, college football
Jul 2, 2013
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Comparing the SEC to the B1G if you ask me.

At Vanderbilt he did what he had to do to compete against the SEC teams, which don't really value education over football ability.

In the B1G, football ability is valued, but so is education. Except for Ohio State.

And after writing that, that is two SEC coaches in the B1G now. I guess the B1G wants coaches from the SEC.

Maybe education is not as much of a priority as I thought.


Guy Who Never Responds
Apr 17, 2013
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Academic Conference homerism is the worst.
It is far more annoying than athletic conference homerism.
And it makes even less sense to try and justify it.

Each individual school, and individual department within the school, is an independent entity in terms of academics.

It is idiotic to suggest that an elite University like Vanderbilt (regarded higher than any Big 10 school) somehow does not care about academics like the Big 10.

Nor, is it okay for NC State (in probably the BEST academic league ACC) to suddenly pretend it is Duke, Notre Dame, or North Carolina academics simply by playing them in football.


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Comparing the SEC to the B1G if you ask me.

At Vanderbilt he did what he had to do to compete against the SEC teams, which don't really value education over football ability.

In the B1G, football ability is valued, but so is education. Except for Ohio State.

And after writing that, that is two SEC coaches in the B1G now. I guess the B1G wants coaches from the SEC.

Maybe education is not as much of a priority as I thought.



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Academic Conference homerism is the worst.
It is far more annoying than athletic conference homerism.
And it makes even less sense to try and justify it.

Each individual school, and individual department within the school, is an independent entity in terms of academics.

It is idiotic to suggest that an elite University like Vanderbilt (regarded higher than any Big 10 school) somehow does not care about academics like the Big 10.

Nor, is it okay for NC State (in probably the BEST academic league ACC) to suddenly pretend it is Duke, Notre Dame, or North Carolina academics simply by playing them in football.

What are you using as a basis for this assertion?


is a little bit warmer
Dec 18, 2009
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S'about time we had a slimy coach to keep up with the rest of the slimers.


Sleeper Pick
Apr 19, 2010
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Used 2 B Hu

Apr 19, 2013
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What, does he grunt when he's lifting weights?


Roll Tide? What? FUCK YOU! lolz
Hoopla Pickems Staff
Dec 22, 2009
PTC, Georgia
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No haiatus this year? Not that I am complaining. You are a top 10 entertainment value on here.

I'll come in infrequently and carpet bomb this motherfucker....


and then I'll...



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Jun 27, 2013
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No haiatus this year? Not that I am complaining. You are a top 10 entertainment value on here.
I have to agree with the OP. I can not put my finger on it, but I just get a slimy feeling about him. I talked to a former Vandy grad and he was not all sunshine and lollipops on Franklin. That was back in November, prior to leaving.


Jul 28, 2010
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I hate Franklin just as much as the next guy, but the author of the article in the OP totally cherry picked the quotes. Here is what was said, as well as a link to the interview.

Here is the actual quote transcribed:

"To be honest with you, in a lot of ways I think there's a lot of parallels which I think really helped in the transition. We were at a school that only...the biggest difference is 1600 students coming in in a freshman class and 6800 students total. It was a challenge because we were in the SEC, and in the SEC there's such an emphasis on football, and they don't make any excuses or try to justify. That's really the reason for their existence. (laughter) And we were at a place like Vanderbilt, and the average freshman there...average GPA was a 4.0. The average ACT was a 34, and we were able to compete and be successful. And we talk about competing in the classroom, and on the football field, and everything we do. So, I think a lot of the values and things that we hold dear here at Penn State, in terms of the education, and having a well-rounded experience and those types of things, and also being great. Ya know...we talk about not settling--that a young man can choose a place like Penn State and can come here and chase all of his dreams at the very, very highest level. And that's really what we sold at Vanderbilt as well. So, I think there's a lot of similarities. The biggest difference is that I went around...the last game of the year before we got the job, they played Wake Forest and there was 1500 people in the stands. I'm not exaggerating. So we tried to build that. And, I went around to basically every fraternity and sorority three times recruiting them to come to the games. Um, I don't think we'll have that same type of problem [at Penn State]. (laughter) There's a lot of similar things. There's also a lot of real differences as well. But, I think the values and what we hold dear to our heart are very similar. Very similar. I'm about to get the hook. I need to shut up. (laughter) So thank you so much..."



Roll Tide? What? FUCK YOU! lolz
Hoopla Pickems Staff
Dec 22, 2009
PTC, Georgia
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^^^ damn...that local reporter sucks dick then....

Wild Turkey

Sarcasm: Just one of my many services.
May 21, 2013
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What are you using as a basis for this assertion?

ACC is the top academic conference out of the BCS schools and it based on school rankings do the research it isn't hard.


I AM the liquor
Dec 19, 2009
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I hate Franklin just as much as the next guy, but the author of the article in the OP totally cherry picked the quotes. Here is what was said, as well as a link to the interview.

Here is the actual quote transcribed:

"To be honest with you, in a lot of ways I think there's a lot of parallels which I think really helped in the transition. We were at a school that only...the biggest difference is 1600 students coming in in a freshman class and 6800 students total. It was a challenge because we were in the SEC, and in the SEC there's such an emphasis on football, and they don't make any excuses or try to justify. That's really the reason for their existence. (larri wryughter) And we were at a place like Vanderbilt, and the average freshman there...average GPA was a 4.0. The average ACT was a 34, and we were able to compete and be successful. And we talk about competing in the classroom, and on the football field, and everything we do. So, I think a lot of the values and things that we hold dear here at Penn State, in terms of the education, and having a well-rounded experience and those types of things, and also being great. Ya know...we talk about not settling--that a young man can choose a place like Penn State and can come here and chase all of his dreams at the very, very highest level. And that's really what we sold at Vanderbilt as well. So, I think there's a lot of similarities. The biggest difference is that I went around...the last game of the year before we got the job, they played Wake Forest and there was 1500 people in the stands. I'm not exaggerating. So we tried to build that. And, I went around to basically every fraternity and sorority three times recruiting them to come to the games. Um, I don't think we'll have that same type of problem [at Penn State]. (laughter) There's a lot of similar things. There's also a lot of real differences as well. But, I think the values and what we hold dear to our heart are very similar. Very similar. I'm about to get the hook. I need to shut up. (laughter) So thank you so much..."

Well, thats completely different. Oh, the modern standards of journalism.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2013
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Comparing the SEC to the B1G if you ask me.

At Vanderbilt he did what he had to do to compete against the SEC teams, which don't really value education over football ability.

In the B1G, football ability is valued, but so is education. Except for Ohio State.

And after writing that, that is two SEC coaches in the B1G now. I guess the B1G wants coaches from the SEC.

Maybe education is not as much of a priority as I thought.
hahaahah my favorite

tOSU ranked 52, Nebraska ranked 101.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
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ACC is the top academic conference out of the BCS schools and it based on school rankings do the research it isn't hard.

I was referring to the Vanderbilt comment... Not the ACC comment... I agree the ACC is better than any other AQ conference academically...


is a little bit warmer
Dec 18, 2009
Pittsburgh PA
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I hate Franklin just as much as the next guy, but the author of the article in the OP totally cherry picked the quotes. Here is what was said, as well as a link to the interview.

Here is the actual quote transcribed:

"To be honest with you, in a lot of ways I think there's a lot of parallels which I think really helped in the transition. We were at a school that only...the biggest difference is 1600 students coming in in a freshman class and 6800 students total. It was a challenge because we were in the SEC, and in the SEC there's such an emphasis on football, and they don't make any excuses or try to justify. That's really the reason for their existence. (laughter) And we were at a place like Vanderbilt, and the average freshman there...average GPA was a 4.0. The average ACT was a 34, and we were able to compete and be successful. And we talk about competing in the classroom, and on the football field, and everything we do. So, I think a lot of the values and things that we hold dear here at Penn State, in terms of the education, and having a well-rounded experience and those types of things, and also being great. Ya know...we talk about not settling--that a young man can choose a place like Penn State and can come here and chase all of his dreams at the very, very highest level. And that's really what we sold at Vanderbilt as well. So, I think there's a lot of similarities. The biggest difference is that I went around...the last game of the year before we got the job, they played Wake Forest and there was 1500 people in the stands. I'm not exaggerating. So we tried to build that. And, I went around to basically every fraternity and sorority three times recruiting them to come to the games. Um, I don't think we'll have that same type of problem [at Penn State]. (laughter) There's a lot of similar things. There's also a lot of real differences as well. But, I think the values and what we hold dear to our heart are very similar. Very similar. I'm about to get the hook. I need to shut up. (laughter) So thank you so much..."


Hmm... this makes plenty of sense now. Just another asshat taking a shot at PSU. Come here, son.


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Dec 21, 2012
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James Franklin even hinting at negativity toward Vanderbilt makes me sick.