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So what is the BIGGEST NEED on this Team??


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Jul 11, 2013
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So I see there is a lot of bickering going on here lately on who we should draft. OT?? WR?? DE??
Sure any of the 3 would be nice. BUT....

If you ask me, I think our 2 BIGGESTs areas of concern are interior o-line and our secondary.

Here's my prediction:

Roger Saffold will set the direction on which way we will go in this draft.

IMO..we are in big trouble if Saffold darts. We all saw how good our run game was with Saffold on the inside. With Saffold in there he gives us a little bit of experience over a rookie. If he leaves, I can see us drafting Mathews or Robinson.

If Saffold re-signs, I really dont think we will take a tackle early on because Saffold can be an emergency back up LT or RT if needed. Guard/center help is what we really need and one can be had in the 2nd or later rds. If Saffold stays, why draft another tackle?? But we will still need interior o line help in case Long has a slow recovery. We will still have Long, Barksdale and Saffold. Barksdale played well last year and he is only 26.

Everybody and their brother knows that safety is probably our biggest need on this team. Plus the fact that Finnegan getting cut will only add to the problem. Without a lot of CAP space, I believe if we do resign Saffold there wont be any $$ left for free agency. So if Saffold signs forget about Jarius Byrd/TJ Ward, however if Saffold darts we may have $$ to sign one of these guys or I can see us using the #13 pick on one. That leaves cornerback, if Saffold signs you can almost garantee we will draft one, question is, how high of a pick will we go? THere's no way we will use a #2 overall on a CB, but Im thinkin if we trade down, then I think there's a strong chance we could draft Justin Gilbert. Point being ....Saffold sets the tone here.


Apr 17, 2013
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Not if we cut Harvey Dahl, Wells, and Finnegan, Zeke. We will have enough cap space to sign a Jarius Byrd whom I think will be this year's FA acquisition.


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Not if we cut Harvey Dahl, Wells, and Finnegan, Zeke. We will have enough cap space to sign a Jarius Byrd whom I think will be this year's FA acquisition.

I wouldn't be so sure about that....Retro


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The secondary and the WR corp were the worst units last year. The secondary was appallingly bad considering that the Rams have an elite pass rush and still got gashed. The WR corp can at least fall back on the fact that the running game didnt get going while Bradford was in and Clemens can't pass the ball more than 10 yds in the air.

But maybe part of the secondary's problem was the DC. We'll see.

Going into next year, G and S are the 2 big weak spots. C, QB, CB are the big question marks.

Imo, there are 7 or 8 Safeties in next year's draft that could be starting on the Rams in Week 1
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Jul 11, 2013
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The secondary and the WR corp were the worst units last year. The secondary was appallingly bad considering that the Rams have an elite pass rush and still got gashed. The WR corp can at least fall back on the fact that the running game didnt get going while Bradford was in and Clemens can't pass the ball more than 10 yds in the air.

But maybe part of the secondary's problem was the DC. We'll see.

Going into next year, G and S are the 2 big weak spots. C, QB, CB are the big question marks.

Imo, there are 7 or 8 Safeties in next year's draft that could be starting on the Rams in Week 1

I don't disagree, but add to the fact that Dahl, Wells and Finnegan getting released and the fact Saffold may sign elsewhere put s interior o-line as a greater need than wr.


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WR isn't in the top 5 positions of need but its been a very underwhelming unit as a whole


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WR isn't in the top 5 positions of need but its been a very underwhelming unit as a whole

Do you think that improving our interior o-line would help our passing game? I do, it would help establish a run game therefore setting up the pass.


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Do you think that improving our interior o-line would help our passing game? I do, it would help establish a run game therefore setting up the pass.
Our interior oline wasn't terrible for the middle half of last season and you saw the running game take off with Stacy in the lineup.

The 2 Seattle games really illustrate it: the game in STL had STL players healthy and SEA players banged up and thats a game that STL really should have won. The game at the end of the year with healthy SEA players and banged up STL players was a game where we just couldnt do anything on offense.

So if our WRs need a good QB, good playcalling, a good run game and a good offensive line to be relevant...well...our WRs are game managers. :lol:


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Jul 3, 2013
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You are absolutely right regarding the Rams biggest needs- OL and S.

Here's my stance. Unless they decided to draft an OT at #2 (Matthews/Robinson), there is no one worthy of the #2 pick at those positions.

However, if you look beyond this year ( which most people don't ), then DE is a need because the Rams can't afford to keep Long after this season (10M in '15, 11.75M in'16). The Rams need to lock up Quinn most likely after next season ( although they do have a 5th year option, I see them rewarding Quinn rather than extending his rookie contract the extra year ). He is due for the richest contract ever given to a DE. They can't extend him that kind of contract and keep Long at 10M plus.

However, if they take Clowney, then they can release/try to trade Long and be able to afford Quinn's new contract.

If the Rams stay at #2, I think it has to be BPA, not BPA at a position of need. That is where this team has shot themselves in the foot in past drafts by looking solely at the team needs for NOW and not taking BPA that may be a position of need soon. Too near-sighted.

The #2 pick is a gift. They have to make the most of it ( whether that is trading down again for more picks or drafting a once in a decade type player like Clowney ). I just don't see a 6'1" WR being the best value at #2. I'm not saying he won't be a great football player, I just don't think that is what the Rams need at the WR position.

If the Rams pass on Clowney ( if he is available at #2 and a trade isn't made ) and the Rams have to let Long go because they can't afford to sign Quinn and keep Long, then a strength of the team just became a weakness because they didn't look beyond this years needs and plan for the future. And don't think for one second that Clowney is going to be riding the bench all season because they have Long and Quinn. Trust me, Williams will get him on the field no matter what.

JMO, of course. Call me crazy or whatever, but I am looking beyond this years needs with that #2 gift pick. I am sick and tired of watching the Rams draft for need over BPA.


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William Hayes is a great player but if we draft Clowney, you wont hear any complaints from me. I'm a full believer in BPA drafting as long as its within reason


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Our interior oline wasn't terrible for the middle half of last season and you saw the running game take off with Stacy in the lineup.

The 2 Seattle games really illustrate it: the game in STL had STL players healthy and SEA players banged up and thats a game that STL really should have won. The game at the end of the year with healthy SEA players and banged up STL players was a game where we just couldnt do anything on offense.

So if our WRs need a good QB, good playcalling, a good run game and a good offensive line to be relevant...well...our WRs are game managers. :lol:

Well, then they go well with our game manager QB then, huh?


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Well, then they go well with our game manager QB then, huh?
Clemens is a game manager. Id even say he is a really good one.

Bradford is all tangibles and no intangibles. He has improved every year but injuries have really tanked his career


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Jul 11, 2013
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You are absolutely right regarding the Rams biggest needs- OL and S.

Here's my stance. Unless they decided to draft an OT at #2 (Matthews/Robinson), there is no one worthy of the #2 pick at those positions.

However, if you look beyond this year ( which most people don't ), then DE is a need because the Rams can't afford to keep Long after this season (10M in '15, 11.75M in'16). The Rams need to lock up Quinn most likely after next season ( although they do have a 5th year option, I see them rewarding Quinn rather than extending his rookie contract the extra year ). He is due for the richest contract ever given to a DE. They can't extend him that kind of contract and keep Long at 10M plus.

However, if they take Clowney, then they can release/try to trade Long and be able to afford Quinn's new contract.

If the Rams stay at #2, I think it has to be BPA, not BPA at a position of need. That is where this team has shot themselves in the foot in past drafts by looking solely at the team needs for NOW and not taking BPA that may be a position of need soon. Too near-sighted.

The #2 pick is a gift. They have to make the most of it ( whether that is trading down again for more picks or drafting a once in a decade type player like Clowney ). I just don't see a 6'1" WR being the best value at #2. I'm not saying he won't be a great football player, I just don't think that is what the Rams need at the WR position.

If the Rams pass on Clowney ( if he is available at #2 and a trade isn't made ) and the Rams have to let Long go because they can't afford to sign Quinn and keep Long, then a strength of the team just became a weakness because they didn't look beyond this years needs and plan for the future. And don't think for one second that Clowney is going to be riding the bench all season because they have Long and Quinn. Trust me, Williams will get him on the field no matter what.

JMO, of course. Call me crazy or whatever, but I am looking beyond this years needs with that #2 gift pick. I am sick and tired of watching the Rams draft for need over BPA.

I always thought you were a little bit crazy, LOL... just joking. That's what I like about you Angel... you are always looking towards the future.

Like I said ^^above^^, if Saffold stays I don't think we'll be picking a tackle with our #2 gift pick.

Someone will trade. You got to keep your eye on the Falcons, they really like Clowney and their greatest need is a pass rusher, and oh by the way they have a reputation of trading up (remember Julio Jones). They pick 6th and they know Oakland(who picks 5th) really likes him as well. So I'm thinking, they will trade with us. If that is the case, there is a good chance Watkins, Clowney will both be off the board. With Saffold being signed and CLowney, Watkins off the board who do we take at #6?? Also, if they really, really, really like Clowney, we better make them give up the farm to get him. Or just take him ourselves and use him as Longs replacement. :clap:


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Apr 22, 2013
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Offense maybe?


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I wouldn't be upset with Matthews, but I just don't think Fisher would take an OT at #2.

If they trade with the Falcons and Clowney and Watkins are gone, I think they go OLB ( either Barr or Mack ). Maybe Fisher takes an OT at #6, but not likely.

And, if they do trade with ATL, they better get more than just swapping 1st's and getting their 2nd. Passing on a once in a decade player to get an extra 2nd wouldn't make much sense to me.

btw Zeke, always like your input.


Unofficial board GM
May 9, 2013
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Here is my biggest problem with Clowney. All reports I have read talk about him taking numerous plays off every game... that is not something we need. And if he is not playing alot, he will pout. He got handled very well by BOTH Matthews and Robinson in the past...

This thread is about the biggest needs for the Rams, not who is a stud player (allegedly) and would look good on the sidelines for the Rams.

There is no question that the 2 biggest needs for the Rams are O line (upgrading here improves the offense tremendously) and the defensive backfield, especially Safety.

I think that no matter how many trades down are made that the Rams will come out of round 1 with either Matthews or Robinson with one pick and either Dix or Pryor with the other.
I know everyone likes the flash, but I have two words for those who want the flash that his Clowney: JUSTIN BLACKMON. Everyone (myself included) wanted this guy and said he would be the superstar we needed...instead, he has been NOTHING but trouble. I see that in Clowney once he gets his coin..


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And if he is not playing alot, he will pout. He got handled very well by BOTH Matthews and Robinson in the past... .
Link to Robinson ever handling anyone in pass protection? He is a guard. If the Rams draft him at #2, I'm going to make a thread where I think everyone involved should get fired.