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So much for the Theory Peyton can't play in Cold Weather


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Apr 17, 2013
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Not knocking Peyton or trying to Troll the Bronco's Board but the article posted doesn't show what it means by "cold/poor conditions." I want to see actual stats when the weather is 20 or below with his QB rating, yards, int, td's... ETC. Not just an article saying he has done well in "conditions."

with all of that said he is a nasty QB and Denver is extreemly lucky to have him! Best of luck the rest of the way!


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You can look at comp %,TD's thrown, INTS, to say who played better in this games, but bottom line is did you win a Superbowl.

WHY do people continue to use winning a Super Bowl as who is a Better QB?!?!?! Last time I checked a QB can't play defense, and it takes an enter team to win a Super Bowl!

And if a QB has better numbers than another QB statistically but still loses a Super Bowl he is WORSE than a QB that did win? HUH?


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Hey blind homer! :L
I guess we should all just ignore the fact that the Pats had more key turnovers in the first half and that they were missing more defensive starters than the Broncos. And that they overcame a 24 pt hole! But hey, nice try with the excuses dude, naw, not really they were lame! Patriots do not and there is no real reason for them to fear Peyton and the Broncos. But we'll ignore the record book. Message to homer..the Broncos aren't that good!!! The Pats own your rental QB Peyton. And just owned your team!! But hey if making excuses helps your day go easier by thinking that b/s you just spewed. Then by all means carry on with it. Funny part of all of this is the way that things stand now your team can't lose another game this season. Or it's as Willy would say..on the road again.. How's that feel? :laugh3:

Missing more defensive starters than the Broncos? The Broncos were without Vickerson, Champ, DRC, Nacho, Moore, and others were in and out throughout the game so over half the defense missed at least parts of this game. We had a guy playing safety that has never played safety in a single game in his career at one point.

And don't try to say you had more key turnovers. Both teams had key turnovers that cost them huge in this game. Without them either the Broncos win huge against the Pats or the Pats win huge against the Broncos so they pretty much cancel each other out in impact on the game.

And last I checked both the Broncos and the Patriots have 4 games left that not a single one is a guaranteed win so you point out that the Broncos can't lose another but neither can the Patriots if they want home field advantage and even then they might not get it.

Maybe you could go and learn from Redseat about how to be a classy fan and show some respect on an opposing team's board. Your team escaped with a win in a very odd game that could have gone either way. Be happy with that and act like your team has won before.


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Missing more defensive starters than the Broncos? The Broncos were without Vickerson, Champ, DRC, Nacho, Moore, and others were in and out throughout the game so over half the defense missed at least parts of this game. We had a guy playing safety that has never played safety in a single game in his career at one point.

And don't try to say you had more key turnovers. Both teams had key turnovers that cost them huge in this game. Without them either the Broncos win huge against the Pats or the Pats win huge against the Broncos so they pretty much cancel each other out in impact on the game.

And last I checked both the Broncos and the Patriots have 4 games left that not a single one is a guaranteed win so you point out that the Broncos can't lose another but neither can the Patriots if they want home field advantage and even then they might not get it.

Maybe you could go and learn from Redseat about how to be a classy fan and show some respect on an opposing team's board. Your team escaped with a win in a very odd game that could have gone either way. Be happy with that and act like your team has won before.

Maybe you need to read the thread and see where the b/s started. I inferred your QB has a problem in pressure situations. That can't be denied. I think he's a choke artist. He has more pick sixes and interceptions in the playoffs than Brady and more pick sixes than any other QB in playoff games. And that's just for starters. And yes his poor decision making in playoff games has lost/cost his teams more dearly than Brady's play in the playoffs has. Now this didn't get amped up and insulting until your fellow Bronco fans took it down that road. I just obliged them with what they were looking for. As for learning from another poster, that remark smacks of hypocrisy for the reasons I've previously stated. +++Now what about this statement isn't correct?


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Jul 17, 2013
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Maybe you need to read the thread and see where the b/s started. I inferred your QB has a problem in pressure situations. That can't be denied. I think he's a choke artist. He has more pick sixes and interceptions in the playoffs than Brady and more pick sixes than any other QB in playoff games. And that's just for starters. And yes his poor decision making in playoff games has lost/cost his teams more dearly than Brady's play in the playoffs has. Now this didn't get amped up and insulting until your fellow Bronco fans took it down that road. I just obliged them with what they were looking for. As for learning from another poster, that remark smacks of hypocrisy for the reasons I've previously stated. +++Now what about this statement isn't correct?

Yeah I remember how this whole thing started and it started with you inferring that Peyton had lost more playoff games than Brady over the last 8 years which we showed you was not true which then you tried to infer that Peyton cost his team more in his games than Brady did in his which completely ignores the fact that it is a "Team Sport" and might want to look back at the fact that Brady has actually had a defense that held teams to 21 points or less quite a bit more than Peyton has had for his defense. If we really want to get into this argument how about we not just cherry pick the stats that try and make our player look better. Now if you want to talk about who took this argument there how about you making the blanket statement about Peyton not being able to play under pressure without any kind of information to back up such an idiotic statement. So yeah pretty sure everything was fine until you actually tried to join the conversation and troll the topic at hand.


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Jul 9, 2013
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Read that earlier today. Loved the part where they showed what he has done in the last 7 or so games posting a QBR of 105. Should show cold weather really isn't the equalizer that some thought plus now his cold games are going to be home games most likely so that adds an extra advantage his way.

Yeah that's true. The report should have clarified that the theory mostly applies when Brady's in the same stadium.


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at the fact that Brady has actually had a defense that held teams to 21 points or less quite a bit more than Peyton has had for his defense.

Sorry cdumler7, but that's compete bullshit. We Pats fans have watched our defense collapse to greater peril than any other team in the NFL over the past 8 years. Brady is the one constant every friggin year. I understand y'all hating that cold weather thing that gets tossed at Peyton and holy shit, you ALMOST got to kick a hole in the theory recently but to suggest that our Brady led O has been carried by our D anytime after '04 is just being woti.


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at the fact that Brady has actually had a defense that held teams to 21 points or less quite a bit more than Peyton has had for his defense.

Sorry cdumler7, but that's compete bullshit. We Pats fans have watched our defense collapse to greater peril than any other team in the NFL over the past 8 years. Brady is the one constant every friggin year. I understand y'all hating that cold weather thing that gets tossed at Peyton and holy shit, you ALMOST got to kick a hole in the theory recently but to suggest that our Brady led O has been carried by our D anytime after '04 is just being woti.

Might want to check your facts about the defenses. Brady's defenses throughout his career have been statistically better in the playoffs in points allowed. They have also held opponents to 21 points or less 67% of Brady's playoff career. Peyton on the other hand has only had his defense do the same in 50% of the playoff games he has been in. Meaning Peyton usually has to carry his team to victory more often than Brady has through his playoff career.


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Jul 17, 2013
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Plus just to give you a heads up since 2004 since that seems to be your cut off the patriots defense is only giving up 1.5 more points per game than over tom's average for his entire time in the playoffs or about 4 more points a game on average compared to 2004 and earlier (remember this was about the time many of the rules in the nfl began to change to benefit the offense so makes sense it goes up just a bit)


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2004 "seems to be my cut off" because the past 8 years was what you referenced. Only four points difference huh? Well I can think of a couple of games where we could have used four points.

(((Excuses for Peyton)))

Keep dreaming 'em up!


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2004 "seems to be my cut off" because the past 8 years was what you referenced. Only four points difference huh? Well I can think of a couple of games where we could have used four points.

(((Excuses for Peyton)))

Keep dreaming 'em up!

I think you're the ones making excuses for Peyton and then affiliating them with Colts/Broncos fans. Most of us don't make excuses. But we're also too smart to blame the QB for everything that takes place on the field. A lot of us are too smart to assume the only factor is the QB, especially when there are 53 men on an active roster. It seems you don't have that ability. That's too bad, I guess. But I guess we can't all solid football IQs.


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I think you're the ones making excuses for Peyton and then affiliating them with Colts/Broncos fans. Most of us don't make excuses. But we're also too smart to blame the QB for everything that takes place on the field. A lot of us are too smart to assume the only factor is the QB, especially when there are 53 men on an active roster. It seems you don't have that ability. That's too bad, I guess. But I guess we can't all solid football IQs.

Hmmm, this thread is about Peyton's play in cold weather. That subject is independent from the game being a team sport. You should have traded your football IQ for reading comprehension in grade school.


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Apr 21, 2013
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Hmmm, this thread is about Peyton's play in cold weather. That subject is independent from the game being a team sport. You should have traded your football IQ for reading comprehension in grade school.

Way to change the argument midstream. Football is a team sport and saying Manning is x-y in win-loss in cold weather games does not paint the entire picture. That would be using the team's stats for one player. It would be like me saying Eli Manning owns Brady in SBs. That speaks to neither of the teams of 52 players. In reality Tom Brady is a better QB than Eli but Eli benefited from a nasty Giants pass rush.

Comeback with Manning's stats in cold weather games and argue those. They are more relevant than a team's win-loss.

Also, why are all you pats fans so freaking angry? Boston teams have won like 40 championships since 2000. Enjoy your success.


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since 2005 peyton has the highest passer rating of anyone in the NFL in games played under 40 degrees.

I'd agree early in his career he struggled with it. but as hes become a better player hes adjusted for the temp and actually been better than everyone else in that type of environment.


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Sep 16, 2013
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I think you're the ones making excuses for Peyton and then affiliating them with Colts/Broncos fans. Most of us don't make excuses. But we're also too smart to blame the QB for everything that takes place on the field. A lot of us are too smart to assume the only factor is the QB, especially when there are 53 men on an active roster. It seems you don't have that ability. That's too bad, I guess. But I guess we can't all solid football IQs.

Hmmm, this thread is about Peyton's play in cold weather. That subject is independent from the game being a team sport. You should have traded your football IQ for reading comprehension in grade school.

Nice try. See below...

Way to change the argument midstream. Football is a team sport and saying Manning is x-y in win-loss in cold weather games does not paint the entire picture. That would be using the team's stats for one player. It would be like me saying Eli Manning owns Brady in SBs. That speaks to neither of the teams of 52 players. In reality Tom Brady is a better QB than Eli but Eli benefited from a nasty Giants pass rush.

Comeback with Manning's stats in cold weather games and argue those. They are more relevant than a team's win-loss.

Also, why are all you pats fans so freaking angry? Boston teams have won like 40 championships since 2000. Enjoy your success.



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Way to change the argument midstream.

I didn't move the goalpost...see thread title.

since 2005 peyton has the highest passer rating of anyone in the NFL in games played under 40 degrees.

Wind? Snow? Temperature does not fully define nasty conditions.


I've typed nothing "angry" except when Mr I.Q snarked off...It seems you don't have that ability. That's too bad, I guess. But I guess we can't all solid football IQs.

Look, Peyton's a great QB but in poll after poll football fans will attest that Brady's better. Add the element of cold weather that this thread's about and those poll numbers move even further.

It's cold as hell in Feb in NJ...which QB does the NFC champion team wish to face, Brady or Manning?

There's your OWNED for you.
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Jul 17, 2013
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Way to change the argument midstream.

I didn't move the goalpost...see thread title.

since 2005 peyton has the highest passer rating of anyone in the NFL in games played under 40 degrees.

Wind? Snow? Temperature does not fully define nasty conditions.


I've typed nothing "angry" except when Mr I.Q snarked off...It seems you don't have that ability. That's too bad, I guess. But I guess we can't all solid football IQs.

Look, Peyton's a great QB but in poll after poll football fans will attest that Brady's better. Add the element of cold weather that this thread's about and those poll numbers move even further.

It's cold as hell in Feb in NJ...which QB does the NFC champion team wish to face, Brady or Manning?

There's your OWNED for you.

Well if you would read the article that I linked earlier in the post for Redseat you can see Peyton does just fine in cold weather so not sure any team would want to play him. As for your comment earlier about Tom Brady playing consistently while it is his defense that has let him down in the playoffs the same can be said for Peyton. I'm sure last year alone Peyton would have loved to have had the New England defense against Baltimore that only gave up 28 points compared to the 38 that our defense gave up. 28 was plenty for Peyton and the Broncos to have won. So not sure you have much room to be saying that Tom Brady's defense has failed him but then act like Peyton's hasn't throughout his playoff career. This is why it is the ultimate team sport otherwise the team with the better quarterback would always win every year.


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Jul 9, 2013
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You are getting ridiculous. I never said a thing about Peyton's defense; it was ONLY in response to you...or someone...suggesting that Brady's been carried by his that I even mentioned defense. Cripes.

compared to the 38 that our defense gave up.

...esp that last seven huh? What an embarrassment.

This is why it is the ultimate team sport otherwise the team with the better quarterback would always win every year.

This is like talking to a chick now....wtf has this got to do with this thread topic or even the current discussion? Yes, honey, I know that I leave my bathroom towel on the floor but that's not that we're talking about right now. Lol!

You guys with all of your hand picked stats. What's below 40 degrees supposed to mean anyway? A slew of NFL games are played under 40. Toss below 20 with a stiff wind into your stat fact generator and get back to me. I repeat, the two teams being equal, which QB would the NFC champs prefer to play against if it's cold and nasty in NJ this year?

Just answer the question.