Lefty 99
I think it's going to be pegs. That's who I'd choose. And I agree with Bochy, you only need 11 pitchers, and that means Vogey or Timmy goes to long relief.
Regarding that last question, I'd be bold and put Timmy in the bullpen. That way Posey unquestionably catches every game, you got pick at 1B in every game, and Hector can come off the bench, if needed. If X or Shark can step up for a couple of games, that's a pretty strong lineup, bench, and bullpen. The only caveat I can think of off the top of my head is Timmy needs to start in a clean inning, i.e. no men on base.
yeah, I agree -- but Noggin has told Timmah that he's starting. It'll be Tron in the bullpen and I think Kontos get's screwed.
C -- MVP, Chez3
1B -- Pick, Huffenstuff
2B -- Moped, Riot
SS -- Fish, Arias
3B -- Panda
OF -- X, Shark, Oxy, Herk, Peggs
SP -- Horse/Bum/Freak/Z
RP -- Romo, LOOGY, KCya, Burgermeister, Mijares, Weed, Tron