Unreliable Narrator.
Saying faggot bashes gays
Saying a curse word is bad for children to hear
Calling someone bitch/some other word comparing a man to a woman offends women
Calling someone a nerf herder offends Hans Solo
Where does the line get drawn? Why is one group getting attention but not another? I love our country but Jesus Christ I hate the people in it sometimes.
Oh yea, I forgot religions
I do not know where the line gets drawn and I am not a fan of the league looking at whats said on the ice underneath a microscope (little sound waves) but I certainly do not have a problem with them removing or trying to remove ethnic slurs from the ice and I think this is a logical step from that.
I would certainly hope no one here would be OK with players being called ****ers on the ice and would understand that the league would punish that. If the league punishes that then the precedence is set. I know some people are fine with that slur being used as I have seen some people here refer to people by that name but I hope most people would have a problem with it being thrown around on the ice.
I am not sure this has anything to do with the country, but more to do with the NHL and how it wants itself presented and marketed. Obviously they feel if they ignore it they will look bad and since they want a wide fanbase its probably wise.
If I am being paid millions of dollars to play a game and represent my team, the league, and the sport I do not have a problem with restrictions to what I could say on the ice, or at least within distance of a mic.