- Thread starter
- #281
Scotchy Scotch Scotch!
PSS - Let Kesler finish with his shower routine before you go into the bathroom next time.
PSS - Let Kesler finish with his shower routine before you go into the bathroom next time.
on sleeping there ... he got his hands on keys that he wasnt supposed to have
on the bold ... apparently, thats coming
I posted (a page back i think) that when he was arrested in vancouver for robbery in 2011 ... he asked the judge to keep him in jail so he could go into treatment for his crack addiction ... instead of jailing him and putting him in treatment, the judge ordered a psych assessment because he thought it to be a strange request
maybe some sort of intervention at that point could have changed things
/do people really attack christianity because of the Westboro church??? theyre loons!
Just thought I'd pass this on - Yesterday my daughter's grade 7 class took a field trip to the BC Museum and Imax theatre in downtown Victoria. These buildings are just across the street from the BC provincial legislature building. One of my daughter's classmates wasn't allowed to go because her mother feared for her safety. This is exactly what these "people" (and I use the term loosely) want. Be vigilant, report anything suspicious (either visual or auditory), but don't change your daily plans.
That's awesome.
PS - Nice shirt, Matty. (also, you somehow photo bombed your own selfie)