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Shermans comments resonated with me


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Apr 18, 2013
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Since my thread disappeared into the nether world i thought i would expand and make a new one.

Sherman said that the fan's deserved this and that resonates with many Hawk fans through what we have been through,i have never seen a team bashed more in all my years and it really started long before now for instance the Saint's playoff game with that bad record,but since last year it has been a constant stream of just utter hate not towards just the team,but the fanbase,the stadium,the whole state.

Then is this FACT,if the Hawks were playing on the eastcoast even last year you would of seen highlight's often and all the idiot's out there would be able to name at least half the starters on the team,the bias is there and it is blatant even Dilfer was commenting on it with another talking head Monday.

So yah Sherman was right and as a Hawk fan since the day they entered the NFL i can agree 100% why should i care about what other fan's think in any form?


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Well since threads get deleted im outta here.

Yah go Hawks,shame.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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Sherman's comments took away from the rest of the team even if that's not what he intended. In fact, he clearly just reacted and didn't intend anything. He was speaking on pure emotion and adrenalin. The cause was that now all of the focus in the media is on him and his 'classlessness'. It puts our fans under more hate and scrutiny despite us not being the ones that made those comments and those that are defending him publicly are also adding to the hatred for our base. It was a media hit job and he didn't mean to hurt the team, but he clearly did.


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I deleted his thread because I felt it was in poor taste. Not going to let SportsHoopla Seahawk board turn into the low class bull shit that ESPN was.


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Sherman's comments took away from the rest of the team even if that's not what he intended. In fact, he clearly just reacted and didn't intend anything. He was speaking on pure emotion and adrenalin. The cause was that now all of the focus in the media is on him and his 'classlessness'. It puts our fans under more hate and scrutiny despite us not being the ones that made those comments and those that are defending him publicly are also adding to the hatred for our base. It was a media hit job and he didn't mean to hurt the team, but he clearly did.

&%#@ the other fans. They all wish they had the Legion of Boom on their teams. This incident only hurts the team if they let it. For me, I partially wished Sherman did not go on that rant. A big part of me said, "Damn! I am so glad we have a person that wants to not only play the game, but be the best there is ". This defense is special. Enjoy it while you can.

The only way I see someone's mouth hurting a team is "if" that person badmouths the team you are facing in an upcoming game, especially the Superbowl. Jeremy Stevens still pisses me off.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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&%#@ the other fans. They all wish they had the Legion of Boom on their teams. This incident only hurts the team if they let it. For me, I partially wished Sherman did not go on that rant. A big part of me said, "Damn! I am so glad we have a person that wants to not only play the game, but be the best there is ". This defense is special. Enjoy it while you can.

The only way I see someone's mouth hurting a team is "if" that person badmouths the team you are facing in an upcoming game, especially the Superbowl. Jeremy Stevens still pisses me off.

All I'm saying is it would be a lot easier to be a Seahawk fan if our team could go one full year without some asshole taking drugs and if we didn't have the most hated defender in the league. Doesn't bother you? Great, but some of us have kids we are trying to teach life lessons to and raise with some moral compass and having people like Sherman represent the sport makes that a lot more challenging. Are we going to abandon the team we love just because they are not ideal? Of course not. All I'm saying is there are consequences whether or not some of you are affected by them.


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All I'm saying is it would be a lot easier to be a Seahawk fan if our team could go one full year without some asshole taking drugs and if we didn't have the most hated defender in the league. Doesn't bother you? Great, but some of us have kids we are trying to teach life lessons to and raise with some moral compass and having people like Sherman represent the sport makes that a lot more challenging. Are we going to abandon the team we love just because they are not ideal? Of course not. All I'm saying is there are consequences whether or not some of you are affected by them.

I agree with the part of going without a substance abuse infractions. As far as having the most hated defender...Meh, I really don't worry about it. He's a character, a hated one, but really it's not all that important. Some folks will find him entertaining, most will find him being a douche, but it's his play on the field that matters. I was more upset about getting hit for using PEDS, even if he beat it, then running his mouth.


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All I'm saying is it would be a lot easier to be a Seahawk fan if our team could go one full year without some asshole taking drugs and if we didn't have the most hated defender in the league. Doesn't bother you? Great, but some of us have kids we are trying to teach life lessons to and raise with some moral compass and having people like Sherman represent the sport makes that a lot more challenging. Are we going to abandon the team we love just because they are not ideal? Of course not. All I'm saying is there are consequences whether or not some of you are affected by them.

I don't have kids so I can't fathom the hard job you have. I agree, there consequences for making mistakes. If I had kids, I would add to that, GOOD people make mistakes. Good people will apologize for their mistakes. Sherman was man enough to apologize for what he said.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I don't have kids so I can't fathom the hard job you have. I agree, there consequences for making mistakes. If I had kids, I would add to that, GOOD people make mistakes. Good people will apologize for their mistakes. Sherman was man enough to apologize for what he said.

Oh I agree and it's not like I'm mad at him. I just wish he wouldn't do those things, but it doesn't change how much I love his game. He is a huge reason they are in the SB and not just that last game saving tip/pick.


Jul 3, 2013
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I deleted his thread because I felt it was in poor taste. Not going to let SportsHoopla Seahawk board turn into the low class bull shit that ESPN was.

I understand, thanks Harold.


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All I'm saying is it would be a lot easier to be a Seahawk fan if our team could go one full year without some asshole taking drugs and if we didn't have the most hated defender in the league. Doesn't bother you? Great, but some of us have kids we are trying to teach life lessons to and raise with some moral compass and having people like Sherman represent the sport makes that a lot more challenging. Are we going to abandon the team we love just because they are not ideal? Of course not. All I'm saying is there are consequences whether or not some of you are affected by them.

I've raised five kids and working on the grand kids and I can honestly say that there isn't a single sports figure or player that has ever had a lick of impact on their moral compass. I really scratch my head when folks say these things...it's like really? Richard Sherman is going impact my children or grand children moral compass? You've got to be kidding. No way, it's the parents, family and peers, sure in the hell isn't some football player on TV.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I've raised five kids and working on the grand kids and I can honestly say that there isn't a single sports figure or player that has ever had a lick of impact on their moral compass. I really scratch my head when folks say these things...it's like really? Richard Sherman is going impact my children or grand children moral compass? You've got to be kidding. No way, it's the parents, family and peers, sure in the hell isn't some football player on TV.

The influence from everyone your kids and grand kids have been exposed to is far more complex than that. I didn't say it was a major thing, but it is a real thing. Out of all of the things that Sherman has done publicly it is really only his reaction to Brady and this last game that are over that line. I'm fine with others not agreeing with me on it though.


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Apr 25, 2013
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instill in your kids critical thinking and cynicism, they will never idolize a public figure.

that said, I love to be the hated team, it makes winning so much sweeter and tears of our enemies more pleasing.

Mr. Tacoma

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If a smack talking sports figure skews a kid's moral compass then I would argue the kid didn't have much of one in the first place.

People like Sherman exist in this world, there's no getting around it. A parents job is to prepare their kids to live in that world.
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Jul 16, 2013
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The whole thing is silly. He called Crabtree mediocre, which he is. And he is the best corner in the league right now. Shouldn't people be complimented for telling the truth? If he got into Sherman's face talking crap then he gets what he deserved. Crabtree had a really bad reputation coming out of Texas Tech, held out on the 49ers, and then came in and has been average (at best) for them. They'd trade Crabtree for a corner half as good as Sherman in a heartbeat.


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gohusk, we are currently living in a society that does not like truth telling. our society wants everyone to accept lies and never question them or publicly contradict them.

one of those lies is that crabtree is an elite receiver who transformed the niners offense.

Mr. Tacoma

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The whole thing is silly. He called Crabtree mediocre, which he is. And he is the best corner in the league right now. Shouldn't people be complimented for telling the truth? If he got into Sherman's face talking crap then he gets what he deserved. Crabtree had a really bad reputation coming out of Texas Tech, held out on the 49ers, and then came in and has been average (at best) for them. They'd trade Crabtree for a corner half as good as Sherman in a heartbeat.


Players are held to a ridiculous standard. They battle their hearts out in a game that could literally maim and/or kill them and immediately afterwards everyone expects them to be Mr. Niceguy on the mic. Essentially, everyone wants them to lie. I don't have a problem with Sherman not lying after the game. He was fired up, so what?


Jul 4, 2013
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If a smack talking sports figure skews a kid's moral compass then I would argue the kid didn't have much of one in the first place.

People like Sherman exist in this world, there's no getting around it. A parents job is to prepare their kids to live in that world.

I'm actually quite interested to know what "People like Sherman exist in this world" means... is that a good thing or a bad thing?

It's hard for me to judge Sherman for his antics on the field alone. He talks the big talk, but at the same time he backs it up. However, when all is said and done and the cameras are turned off and he stepped off the playing field, Sherman is an incredible person (based on what I've read and seen) for this community.

That being said, what exactly is "People like Sherman exist in this world" means? Because it's quite obvious that NONE of us know exactly what type of person he is, except for himself and his family. We truly cannot judge him for a heat of the moment thing.

If You Are a Richard Sherman Hater, This Video Will Change Your Mind

Mr. Tacoma

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I'm actually quite interested to know what "People like Sherman exist in this world" means... is that a good thing or a bad thing?

It's hard for me to judge Sherman for his antics on the field alone. He talks the big talk, but at the same time he backs it up. However, when all is said and done and the cameras are turned off and he stepped off the playing field, Sherman is an incredible person (based on what I've read and seen) for this community.

That being said, what exactly is "People like Sherman exist in this world" means? Because it's quite obvious that NONE of us know exactly what type of person he is, except for himself and his family. We truly cannot judge him for a heat of the moment thing.

If You Are a Richard Sherman Hater, This Video Will Change Your Mind

That's in the eye of the beholder. Some love him, some hate him. My point is people shouldn't blame sports figures for how their kids turn out. I thought that would inferred in the context of my post.